Edgewall Software

Changes between Version 30 and Version 31 of TracModWSGI

Feb 27, 2011, 5:26:37 PM (13 years ago)
Christian Boos

Moved TracModPython@161#AdvancedExample:configuringauthenticationformod_ldap to this page


  • TracModWSGI

    v30 v31  
    8686== Configuring Authentication
    88 === Example: Basic Authentication with Apache ===
     88=== Using Basic Authentication ===
    9090The simplest way to enable authentication with Apache is to create a password file. Use the `htpasswd` program to create the password file:
    130 === Example: Digest Authentication with Apache ===
     130=== Using Digest Authentication ===
    132132For better security, it is recommended that you either enable SSL or at least use the “digest” authentication scheme instead of “Basic”. Please read the [http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.0/ Apache HTTPD documentation] to find out more. For example, on a Debian 4.0r1 (etch) system the relevant section  in apache configuration can look like this:
    147147where the "trac" parameter above is the same as !AuthName above  ("Realm" in apache-docs).
    149 === Example: Apache Basic Authentication for Trac and mod_wsgi
     150Creating password files and configuring authentication works similar to the examples given in the generic instructions for [wiki:TracInstall#ConfiguringAuthentication configuring authentication]:
     153<Location /projects/myproject/login>
     154  AuthType Basic
     155  AuthName "myproject"
     156  AuthUserFile /var/trac/myproject/.htpasswd
     157  Require valid-user
     161=== Using LDAP Authentication
     163Configuration for [http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/mod/mod_ldap.html mod_ldap] authentication in Apache is a bit tricky (httpd 2.2.x and OpenLDAP: slapd 2.3.19)
     1651. You need to load the following modules in Apache httpd.conf
     167LoadModule ldap_module modules/mod_ldap.so
     168LoadModule authnz_ldap_module modules/mod_authnz_ldap.so
     1712. Your httpd.conf also needs to look something like:
     174<Location /trac/>
     175  # (if you're using it, mod_python specific settings go here)
     176  Order deny,allow
     177  Deny from all
     178  Allow from
     179  AuthType Basic
     180  AuthName "Trac"
     181  AuthBasicProvider "ldap"
     182  AuthLDAPURL "ldap://,dc=co,dc=ke?uid?sub?(objectClass=inetOrgPerson)"
     183  authzldapauthoritative Off
     184  require valid-user
     188Or the LDAP interface to a Microsoft Active Directory:
     191<Location /trac/>
     192  # (if you're using it, mod_python specific settings go here)
     193  Order deny,allow
     194  Deny from all
     195  Allow from
     196  AuthType Basic
     197  AuthName "Trac"
     198  AuthBasicProvider "ldap"
     199  AuthLDAPURL "ldap://adserver.company.com:3268/DC=company,DC=com?sAMAccountName?sub?(objectClass=user)"
     200  AuthLDAPBindDN       ldap-auth-user@company.com
     201  AuthLDAPBindPassword "the_password"
     202  authzldapauthoritative Off
     203  # require valid-user
     204  require ldap-group CN=Trac Users,CN=Users,DC=company,DC=com
     208Note 1: This is the case where the LDAP search will get around the multiple OUs, conecting to Global Catalog Server portion of AD (Notice the port is 3268, not the normal LDAP 389). The GCS is basically a "flattened" tree which allows searching for a user without knowing to which OU they belong.
     210Note 2: Active Directory requires an authenticating user/password to access records (AuthLDAPBindDN and AuthLDAPBindPassword).
     212Note 3: The directive "require ldap-group ..."  specifies an AD group whose members are allowed access.
     216=== Example: Apache/mod_wsgi with Basic Authentication, Trac being at the root of a virtual host
    151218Per the mod_wsgi documentation linked to above, here is an example Apache configuration that a) serves the Trac instance from a virtualhost subdomain and b) uses Apache basic authentication for Trac authentication.