Edgewall Software

Version 22 (modified by Ryan J Ollos, 5 years ago) ( diff )

Document r14917 (comment:21:ticket:11901).


In programming exceptions are conditions of the program that require special processing. Handling exceptions is important, because to the user the program should function as if it were in a normal state whereby any exceptions that are encountered are handled in the background. See also Exception_handling.

This page lists the most common exceptions in Trac core and database communication.

Custom Trac Exceptions

Trac defines a set of custom exception types:

Hierarchy is inconsistent, even after addition of TracBaseError class (#11568). There doesn't seem to be any consistent pattern in inheriting from TracError. Some exceptions also inherit from built-in exception classes other than Exception.

There also seem to be multiple naming conventions. Consider following PEP:0008#exception-names.

But changing the existing hierarchy might be difficult without breaking backward compatibility.

Database Exceptions

We can catch Python DB API exceptions in a database neutral way. (Since Trac 1.0, see #6348.)

    with env.db_transaction as db: 
except env.db_exc.IntegrityError, e: 

The above example catches sqlite.IntegrityError, MySQLdb.IntegrityError or psycopg.IntegrityError, depending on the selected DatabaseBackend.

See tickets

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