Edgewall Software

Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of TracApacheRecipe

Mar 7, 2006, 2:42:49 AM (18 years ago)

Added ne recipe


  • TracApacheRecipe

    v1 v1  
     1== Recipe - Configuring Apache 2 on CentOS-4.2 to serve trac ==
     4Set up Apache 2 to access a trac environment on CentOS-4.2
     6Although there are many discussions of seting up trac with Apache of course none of them covered my exact situation.  So I am providing YAATX (Yet Another Apache-Trac eXample) for your viewing enjoyment.
     8Getting trac to work with Apache is not terribly difficult, but there are a number of bits to deal with. As one place is a good as another we will start with the DSO modules for Apache.  Happily, mod_python is provided for by the default Apache 2 configuration on CentOS-4.2.  The configuration file is found at /etc/httpd/conf.d/python.conf and, as the settings in the default seem to serve, you can forget about modifying your conf/httpd.conf file for now.
     10Next, there is the issue of permissions on both the trac environment and the subversion repository.  Afer several takes on this I came to the conclusion that it would be best to create separate users and groups for trac and subversion called, originally enough, trac:trac and svn:svn.  I then set the ownerships on the trac environment and subversion repositories to trac:trac and svn:svn respectively.  I next added the apache user as a member to both the trac and svn groups.  This allows apache to read the files in both these directory structures.
     12The final bit is to create a file called something like '/etc/httpd/conf.d/trac.conf' and place your httpd directives for trac and python in it.  In my case I set up a virtual server called trac.mydomain.tld and put the following lines in a file called '/etc/httpd/conf.d/trac.mydomain.tld.conf'. Note that the trac environment is located at '/var/data/trac'
     16<VirtualHost *>
     17DocumentRoot "/var/data/trac"
     18ServerName trac.mydomain.tld
     19<Directory "/var/data/trac">
     20allow from all
     21Options +Indexes
     23<Location />
     24   SetHandler mod_python
     25   PythonHandler trac.web.modpython_frontend
     26   PythonOption TracEnv /var/data/trac
     27   SetEnv PYTHON_EGG_CACHE /var/data/trac/cache
     28   PythonOption TracUriRoot /
     29 </Location>
     30 <Location "/conf">
     31   AuthType Basic
     32   AuthName "tld.mydomain"
     33   AuthUserFile /var/data/trac/conf/trac.htdigest
     34   Require valid-user
     35 </Location>
     39The !AuthName directive refers to the realm used when creating the htdigest file for user authentication. I had to create the egg.cache inside the trac enviroment to avoid permission problems in the /var/www/htdocs directory.   The '!TracUriRoot /' is required so that trac can find its support files like stylesheets and plugins, '/' in this case equates to '/var/data/trac'. The user password file is created with the htdigest(1) program.
     41This set up does not yet employ cgi or fastcgi so it will be slow.  When I get to the point of using mod_fcgid then "I'll be back" with the details.