Edgewall Software

Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #5654, comment 9

Jun 18, 2015, 7:49:25 AM (9 years ago)
Ryan J Ollos


  • Ticket #5654, comment 9

    initial v1  
    77> Because we define a code-block for the processor {{{php}}}, I see no need to explicitly state it again (like {{{ #!php lexer.php.startinline=true }}} or {{{#!php php.startinline=true}}}).
    9 I've looked into this. The Lexer classes don't declare the valid options. They will consume valid options as keyword arguments and ignore invalid options. [wiki:1.1/WikiProcessors#AvailableProcessors MIME Type Processors] support some keyword arguments that are known by `formatter.py`: [browser:/tags/trac-1.1.5/trac/wiki/formatter.py#L349 lineno, marks, id]. The only option I can see for allowing Pygments Lexer options to be specified in a MIME WikiProcessor is to consider all unknown keyword arguments to be lexer options. I think that is probably okay though since the Lexers will just ignore any unknown options. We could also see if Pygments is willing to consider an enhancement in which they specify the valid options as a class attribute.
     9I've looked into this. The Lexer classes don't declare the valid options. They will consume valid options as keyword arguments and ignore invalid options. [wiki:1.1/WikiProcessors#AvailableProcessors MIME Type Processors] support some keyword arguments that are known by `formatter.py`: [browser:/tags/trac-1.1.5/trac/wiki/formatter.py#L349 lineno, marks, id]. The only option I can see for allowing Pygments Lexer options to be specified in a MIME WikiProcessor is to consider all unknown keyword arguments to be lexer options. I think that is probably okay though since the Lexers will just ignore any unknown options. We could also see if Pygments is willing to consider an enhancement in which they specify the valid option names as a class attribute.