Edgewall Software

Opened 7 years ago

Last modified 7 years ago

#12803 closed defect

Trac wiki should use LF or CRLF rather than os.linesep for generating HTML — at Initial Version

Reported by: Jun Omae Owned by:
Priority: normal Milestone: 1.2.3
Component: wiki system Version:
Severity: normal Keywords:
Cc: Branch:
Release Notes:
API Changes:
Internal Changes:


Trac wiki uses inconsistently \n and os.linesep to generate HTML. I think the newline in HTML generated from Trac wiki should be independent with newline in platform.

$ git grep '\\n' -- 'trac/wiki/*.py'
$ git grep '\\n' -- trac/wiki/*.py
trac/wiki/formatter.py:        return Markup('<!--\n%s-->\n' % text)
trac/wiki/formatter.py:            self.out.write('</dd></dl>\n')
trac/wiki/formatter.py:            self.out.write('<blockquote class="citation">\n')
trac/wiki/formatter.py:            self.out.write('</blockquote>\n')
trac/wiki/formatter.py:        out.write('\n')
trac/wiki/formatter.py:                    out.write(whitespace_indent * (2*i) + '<ol>\n' +
trac/wiki/formatter.py:                              whitespace_indent * (2*i+1) + '<li>\n')
trac/wiki/formatter.py:                    out.write(whitespace_indent * (2*i+1) + '</li>\n' +
trac/wiki/formatter.py:                              whitespace_indent * (2*i) + '</ol>\n')
trac/wiki/formatter.py:                out.write(whitespace_indent * (2*depth-1) + '</li>\n' +
trac/wiki/formatter.py:                          whitespace_indent * (2*depth-1) + '<li>\n')
trac/wiki/formatter.py:                out.write( whitespace_indent * (2*depth-1) + '</li>\n' +
trac/wiki/formatter.py:                           whitespace_indent * (2*depth-1) + '<li>\n')
trac/wiki/formatter.py:                      '<a href="#%s">%s</a>\n' % (anchor, text))
trac/wiki/formatter.py:            out.write(whitespace_indent * (2*i+1) + '</li>\n' +
trac/wiki/formatter.py:                      whitespace_indent * (2*i) + '</ol>\n')
trac/wiki/interwiki.py:        for line in content.split('\n'):
trac/wiki/macros.py:                           '\n')
trac/wiki/test.py:                g1 = ["%s\n" % x for x in match.group(1).split(r'\n')]
trac/wiki/test.py:                g2 = ["%s\n" % x for x in match.group(2).split(r'\n')]
trac/wiki/test.py:                wiki = repr(self.input).replace(r'\n', '\n')
trac/wiki/test.py:                    return '\n========== %s: ==========\n%s' % args
trac/wiki/test.py:                '%s\n\n%s:%s: "%s" (%s flavor)' \
trac/wiki/test.py:            if not test or test == '\n':
trac/wiki/test.py:            next_line += len(test.split('\n')) - 1
trac/wiki/test.py:            blocks = test.split('-' * 30 + '\n')
$ git grep 'linesep' -- trac/wiki/*.py
trac/wiki/formatter.py:                self.out.write('<blockquote%s>' % class_attr + os.linesep)
trac/wiki/formatter.py:            self.out.write('</blockquote>' + os.linesep)
trac/wiki/formatter.py:            self.out.write('<table class="wiki">' + os.linesep)
trac/wiki/formatter.py:            self.out.write('</table>' + os.linesep)
trac/wiki/formatter.py:            self.out.write('<p>' + os.linesep)
trac/wiki/formatter.py:            self.out.write('</p>' + os.linesep)
trac/wiki/formatter.py:                code_text = os.linesep.join(self.code_buf)
trac/wiki/formatter.py:                self.out.write('<hr />' + os.linesep)
trac/wiki/formatter.py:            sep = os.linesep
trac/wiki/formatter.py:                            buf.write(' [...]' + os.linesep)
trac/wiki/formatter.py:                buf.write(line + os.linesep)
trac/wiki/formatter.py:        result = buf.getvalue()[:-len(os.linesep)]

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