Edgewall Software

Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #12041, comment 5

Apr 25, 2015, 10:34:42 PM (9 years ago)
Ryan J Ollos


  • Ticket #12041, comment 5

    initial v1  
    44>     Here is the issue tracker for trac software
    6 That depends what you mean by //trac development wiki// and //trac software//. If you are running your own instance of Trac and have discovered a defect or enhancement that you would like to have fixed, this is the place to report it. If you are navigating around this trac site (trac.edgewall.org) and discover some sort of defect, it should also be reported here. If you have a question or documentation issue, it's best to ask on the MailingList first.
     6That depends what you mean by //trac development wiki// and //trac software//. If you are running your own instance of Trac and have discovered a defect or enhancement that you would like to have fixed, this is the place to report it. If you are navigating around this trac site (trac.edgewall.org) and discover some sort of defect or enhancement you would like (e.g. #12042), it should also be reported here. If you have a question or documentation issue, it's best to ask on the MailingList first.
    88If you wish to file a bug report in some other software that simply uses Trac to manage their software development, you need to find the Trac instance for that software and report it there. It could be something like trac.xyz-software.com. We frequently receive reports about software that have nothing to do with Trac.