Edgewall Software

Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #10018, comment 16

Jan 2, 2014, 10:49:39 PM (10 years ago)
Ryan J Ollos


  • Ticket #10018, comment 16

    initial v1  
    66> and I also wasn't sure whether I should call them regression tests, and name them after this ticket, or take some other approach to the naming.  So let me know if you think I should reorganize them.
    8 The challenge I've run into with having so many `RegressionTestTicketXXXX` test cases, which is exacerbated by having so many tests in `trac/ticket/tests/functional.py`, is that it can be very difficult to determine if coverage exists for a particular feature. There is just way too much code to weed through. Therefore, my feeling is that if you are making a nice set of tests to get fundamental coverage for a module, it would be better to prefix all the test names with `TestDefaultWorkflow`, and add a link to the ticket in the comment.
     8The challenge I've run into with the naming pattern `RegressionTestTicketXXXX`, which is exacerbated by having so many tests in `trac/ticket/tests/functional.py`, is that it can be very difficult to determine if coverage exists for a particular feature. There is just way too much code to weed through. Therefore, my feeling is that if you are making a nice set of tests to get fundamental coverage for a module, it would be better to prefix all the test names with `TestDefaultWorkflow`, and add a link to the ticket in the comment.