Edgewall Software

Version 32 (modified by Christian Boos, 14 years ago) ( diff )

notes about what to do with TracGuide pages when migrating to a new major release

Wiki pages to be included in a release

This list only provided for convenience. See checkwiki.py for the official list of wiki pages to be included in releases.

The following table lists the pages that are to be included with 0.11, and the name of the person who proof-read and possibly updated/corrected that page.

Page Proof-read Comments
CamelCase cboos
InterMapTxt cboos
InterTrac cboos
InterWiki cboos
PageTemplates cboos removed the useless sample template - please don't add it back
RecentChanges cboos upgrade t.e.o wiki after 0.11
TitleIndex cboos upgrade t.e.o wiki after 0.11
TracInterfaceCustomization The section about AdSense was removed from the checked in version of this page. We should take care to not add it back inadvertently.
TracImport Has an attachment :-/ Should we check this in to the contrib dir? - no
TracModWSGI since 0.11 - not yet added
TracNavigation added in r6591 since 0.11
TracSyntaxColoring (Didn't check the support languages table in detail)
TracWorkflow since 0.11
WikiHtml cboos TODO remove the -- NOTE: activate once t.e.o. is running 0.11 -- line in the checked in version and on t.e.o after the upgrade
WikiRestructuredTextLinks apparently there's a bug with attachment links…


  • Speaking about TracPermissions, the 0.10 documentation had been updated to include screenshots, as visible in version 51. What should we do with this? Integrate them in the shipped documentation? I'm vaguely -0 about this. Some screenshots here and there might help, but those ones don't look terribly useful.
  • A reference to TracMigrate has been added to a lots of places. That page doesn't seem useful enough to be part of the standard documentation. Opinions?


Currently preparing the 0.11 release

How to maintain the default wiki pages in sync?

As some content is only pertinent on t.e.o and not in the packaged docs, downloading new content from t.e.o will lead to repeated merge, so we need a system that can handle them efficiently.

Here's how to set up such an environment using Mercurial:

Initial Setup

$ svn checkout http://svn.edgewall.org/repos/trac/branches/0.11-stable/ guide-0.11
$ cd guide-0.11
$ hg init
$ cp /tmp/trac.hgignore .hgignore
$ hg addremove
$ hg commit -m "Start sync with branch 0.11-stable [T70xx]"
$ (cd trac/wiki/default-pages; \
   python ../../../contrib/checkwiki.py -d; dos2unix *)
$ hg branch wiki-guide   # (1)
$ hg commit -m "Those are the un-processed changes from t.e.o wiki"
$ hg update -C 0         # (2)
$ hg branch repo-guide   # (3)
$ hg merge wiki-guide


  1. mark the future commit to be on named branch "wiki-guide", the symbolic name for the branch tracking the raw changes made by contributors in the t.e.o wiki
  2. switch back to revision 0, the one which was in sync with the svn branch
  3. mark the future commit to be on named branch "repo-guide", the symbolic name for the branch tracking the changes we will commit in the svn branch

Now at this point, carefully review the changes and revert everything you don't want to see merged in the repository. This is the tedious part, but once you've taken a decision to not merge some changes, you won't be asked to take this decision over and over again in future merges.

Once you're happy with how the changes look like, commit them:

Commit Changes

$ hg ci -m "Merged contributions (2008-05-08)"
$ svn ci -m "TracGuide [milestone:0.11]: sync changes from the wiki (2008-05-08)"

While there's a timestamp anyway associated to the changeset, I find it convenient to put the date prominently in the commit message as well.

Now, the interesting things begin. Next time you decide to sync, things will be quite easy:

Repeat Merge

$ cd guide-0.11
$ hg update -C wiki-guide
$ (cd trac/wiki/default-pages; \
   python ../../../contrib/checkwiki.py -d; dos2unix *)
$ hg ci -m "Downloaded changes 2008-05-09"
$ hg update -C repo-guide
$ hg merge wiki-guide

At this point, you will have only the new changes in your repository. Review them. If there's a need to "forget" some changes that only make sense on t.e.o, you can use hg revert trac/wiki/default-pages/TracTickets. If there's a typo or a wrong information, then take this occasion to fix it in the Wiki itself, then restart the above procedure (back on the "wiki-guide" branch, get new changes you just did on t.e.o, commit, switch to "repo-guide" and merge again).

Once you're happy, commit the changes both locally on the "repo-guide" integration branch and on the 0.11-stable branch.

Also, in the (rare) event of a Wiki page move, this has to be tracked manually both at the svn and at the hg level, e.g.:

$ cd trac/wiki/default-pages
$ svn mv TracWikiMacros WikiMacros
$ hg mv --after TracWikiMacros WikiMacros

New pages as well, once they have been added to the checkwiki.py script and downloaded:

$ cd trac/wiki/default-pages
$ svn add TracVersionControl
$ hg add TracVersionControl

Note: as I went through all those steps again, I noticed that there are actually quite few discrepancies at this point (i.e. near 0.11rc time) between the wiki guide and the default-pages in the repository.

This is not always the case, particularly when we're quite advanced in the release cycle of a new version and the online guide still documents the previous stable version. At those times, the above method is far from overkill, quite the contrary it makes it relatively easy to grab the useful contributions from the Wiki.

Note also that this method is scalable, and that it can easily be used for tracking several sources. For 0.12, we could track the toplevel changes ("wiki-guide" branch in the above), as well as the 0.12 specific pages (0.12/…, in another "wiki-0.12-guide" branch).

TracGuide pages on t.e.o

When migrating to a new major release

  • Prepare documentation below wiki:0.X/<page> by copying current TracGuide pages wiki:<page>
  • When the beta testing period begins:
    • rename the default pages to wiki:0.X-1/<page>, taking care of replacing dynamic content in TracAdmin, TracIni, TracSyntaxColoring (starting with 0.12) and WikiMacros by the output generated by Trac 0.X-1
    • rename the wiki:0.X/<page> pages to !wiki:<page>

Attachments (1)

Download all attachments as: .zip

Note: See TracWiki for help on using the wiki.