Edgewall Software

Opened 18 years ago

Closed 18 years ago

#3113 closed enhancement (wontfix)

Notification and Setting email group

Reported by: Jim_Chiu (chogeha@… Owned by: Christian Boos
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: ticket system Version: devel
Severity: normal Keywords: notification email group
Cc: Emmanuel Blot Branch:
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Is there any way to make a notification group?

  • example:

When I create ticket and assign(or Cc) to TC(TC as a group name) then notification system can automatic sent to user1、user2、user3(like always Cc) ps. Group TC = user1、user2、user3

I know in trac.ini to config always Cc can do this, but I have more mail group want to make.

And I also have to test in user setting to make more email, but it's only can send to

first mail address.

  • example

Setting function below user :jimgroup email:chogeha@…,chogeha@…,chogeha@… when I create ticket and assign(or Cc) to jimgroup then only chogeha@… have receive.

So I want to know , how to make this issue success.


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Change History (9)

comment:1 by anonymous, 18 years ago

Summary: Notification groupNotification and Setting email group

Is there any way to make a notification group?

  • example:

When I create ticket and assign(or Cc) to TC(TC as a group name)

then notification system can automatic sent to user1、user2、user3(like always Cc)

ps. Group TC = user1、user2、user3

I know in trac.ini to config always Cc can do this, but I have more mail group

want to make.

And I also have to test in user setting to make more email, but it's only can send to

first mail address.

  • example

Setting function below

user :jimgroup email:chogeha@…,chogeha@…,chogeha@…

when I create ticket and assign(or Cc) to jimgroup

then only chogeha@… have receive.

So I want to know , how to make this issue success.


comment:2 by Emmanuel Blot, 18 years ago

Keywords: notification email added; Notification removed
Milestone: 0.10

IMHO, this is more the role of a local SMTP server (or mailing list engine…) to define aliases rather than to add this kind of feature to Trac.

comment:3 by Jim_Chiu (chogeha@…, 18 years ago

Cc: Jonas Borgström removed

If a user have multiple email address, and he want to setting
all email address in "Settings" section.
AS below setting

  • example

user :jim

I hope this feature can make up.
Because have I see database of session_attribute table, it's already make up success.
So I think this feature can make it success.


comment:4 by Jim_Chiu@…, 18 years ago

Fix some message

If a user have multiple email address, and he want to setting
all email address in "Settings" section.
AS below setting

  • example

Settings Function
user :jim

And when anyone have to use ticket Cc to jim, then jim's all email
will receive this ticket notification. I hope this feature can make up.
Because I have see database of session_attribute table, it's already make up success.
So I think this feature can make it success.

Thanks Best Regard Jim_Chiu E-mail:Jim_Chiu@xtramus.com

comment:5 by sid, 18 years ago

I agree with Manu on this… this entire functionality can be accomplished entirely using a mailing list (separate from Trac functionality). Proposing to close as wontfix.

comment:6 by Christian Boos, 18 years ago

Well, the separation of concerns is a good thing, but if that's something trivial to do in Trac, compared to the pain of setting up a mailing list (think Windows), why not do it to make user's life easier?

comment:7 by Noah Kantrowitz (coderanger) <coderanger@…>, 18 years ago

This sounds like a good candidate to be a plugin. Perhaps a Request-a-Hack is in order?

in reply to:  6 comment:8 by Emmanuel Blot, 18 years ago

Replying to cboos:

Well, the separation of concerns is a good thing, but if that's something trivial to do in Trac, compared to the pain of setting up a mailing list (think Windows), why not do it to make user's life easier?

Well, I'm afraid it is not as simple as it looks like. Adding several email to a single user may lead to unexpected issues: what about if one user wants to change the settings or unsubscribe, for example?

I really think this can bring a lot of troubles and potential issues. Email management is a tough topic, so I really wish we don't add extra complexity here, if another tool can manage it, and manage it better.

Redesign of the CC field (as requested in #1459) and per-user settings (#4056) will bring a lot of features - as well as a lot of complexity, so I really think this ticket should be closed as wontfix.

About Windows: I don't think it's Trac's job to work around the limitations (to speak nice…) of a specific OS.

Replying to Noah Kantrowitz (coderanger) <coderanger@yahoo.com>:

This sounds like a good candidate to be a plugin. Perhaps a Request-a-Hack is in order?

Agreed, as it would move complexity and maintenance out of Trac core.

comment:9 by Christian Boos, 18 years ago

Resolution: wontfix
Status: newclosed

Ok, so let's not do that in Trac core…

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