[[PageOutline]] = Workflow Discussion = The original proposal is at NewWorkflow. The [source:/sandbox/workflow workflow sandbox] is an attempt to implement an API for making the ticket system more generic. == Tasks == === Done === * Add a `disabled` attribute to fields so that workflow hooks can disable fields but still leave them visible. * Add a `hidden` attribute for the same reason. I've actually already done this, simply by renaming the `skip` attribute to `hidden`. Did this to be more consistent with HTML. * Add a `fullrow` attribute which signifies that the form element will span both columns of the ticket property fieldset. eg. summary, type, description and reporter would all be `fullrow=1`. [2833] * Remove code specific to individual fields from ticket.cs/newticket.cs. The summary, type, description and reporter would be converted to use the the same generic code as the rest of the fields. [2833] * Remove large `if/elif` statement from ticket.cs/newticket.cs. Currently there is a large if/then/else style block which is used to display all fields other than the four described above. This could be removed and replaced with a call to form_control(). [2833] * In order to specify the order the generic field display code would use, the above changes would probably require the ticket.fields.* HDF branch to be changed to an array (currently it is a dict). This change would be in api.py (return fields in the correct display order) and the .cs files, possibly elsewhere. [2832]. * If possible I would also like to factor out the ticket field display/edit code from both ticket.cs and newticket.cs into ticket_fields.cs, as the template code is basically functionally identical. [2833] * Need a clean way to differentiate between fields that should not be displayed in the summary and those that should not be displayed at all. eg. `summary` should be hidden in the ticket summary (as it is used for the title), and should only be editable by users with `TICKET_ADMIN` privileges. Perhaps the logic should be that if a field is `hidden` it is not displayed anywhere, unless it is also `editable`, in which case it is only displayed in the ticket properties. [2837] * Add a `.plaintext` option which negates the default behaviour of WikiFormatting field labels and values (see #925, #1395 and #1791 for related information). [2849] * Add a `.title` option, or maybe `.tooltip`, though I think for the sake of consisteny it should be `.title`. === TODO === * Add an `.onchange` option for javascript field validation. * Add a `checkboxes` field type. This differs from the `checkbox` type in that it is a set of related checkboxes. It would store the data in the field value as `check1|check2|check4`. I'm not sure about this one, or how it would be presented in the query module, but I figured that people might find it useful. Similarly, a `multi_select` type could be useful. * Remove `ticket_custom_props()` macro? It does not appear to be referenced. * There are a number of locations in the ticket code where permissions are hard coded. As an example, the `TICKET_CREATE` permission is required to create a new ticket. Should this be overridable by `ITicketWorkflow` implementors? * It might be an idea to simply have a `apply_ticket_changes()` method instead of having `apply_ticket_action()` and `update_ticket_fields()`. == Basic Configurable Workflow == Basic workflow configuration is possible in TracIni through two new sections, `ticket-status` and `ticket-actions`. This configurability is limited to defining ticket actions and status states and their transitions with basic permission enforcement. === Defining available actions for a status === Each key under the `ticket-status` section is a ticket status and the value associated with each key is the actions available. {{{ [ticket-status] assigned = leave resolve reassign closed = leave reopen retest new = leave resolve reassign accept reopened = leave resolve reassign resolved = leave reassign reopen verify verified = leave reassign reopen retest close }}} === Mapping actions to resulting statuses === The `ticket-actions` section defines what the ticket status will be for each action, in addition to the permission required for that action. {{{ [ticket-actions] accept = assigned close = closed close.permission = TRAC_ADMIN reassign = new reopen = reopened reopen.permission = TICKET_ADMIN resolve = resolved retest = resolved retest.permission = TICKET_ADMIN verify = verified }}} == Plugabble Workflow == For more complex ticket workflow requirements two extension points are available, allowing full control of the ticket workflow process. {{{ #!python class ITicketManipulator(Interface): """ ITicketManipulator implementations are used to perform filtering of visible fields and validation. """ # Control ticket fields def filter_ticket_fields(req, ticket, fields): """ Given a list of ticket.Field objects and a ticket, return the filtered list of fields. Called just prior to ticket display. """ def validate_ticket(req, ticket): """ Validate a ticket. Called just before the ticket is updated with user supplied values from req.args. """ class ITicketWorkflow(Interface): """ This interface controls what actions can be performed on a ticket. """ # Control ticket actions def get_ticket_actions(req, ticket): """ Return the actions that are available given the current state of ticket and the request object provided. """ def get_ticket_action_controls(req, ticket, action): """ Return a trac.ticket.field.Field object for ticket action. """ def apply_ticket_action(req, ticket, action): """ Perform action on ticket. """ }}} == Available Field Types and Options == Common options: * '''label''': Descriptive label. * '''value''': Default value. * '''order''': Sort order placement. (Determines relative placement in forms.) * '''hidden''': Field is not displayed. Useful for storing extra ticket attributes programmatically (false by default). * '''fullrow''': Field spans a full row when displayed in the ticket properties. * '''editable''': Field is editable (true by default if field is not hidden). If a field is hidden but editable, it will not display in the ticket summary but will be displayed and editable in the ticket properties. * '''plaintext''': Field labels and values use WikiFormatting by default. To display plain text set this option to true. * '''title''': HTML title (tooltip) for this field. Types and type-specific options: * '''text''': A simple (one line) text field. * size: Size of text field. * '''checkbox''': A boolean value check box. * value: Default value (0 or 1). * '''select''': Drop-down select box. Uses a list of values. * options: List of values, separated by '''|''' (vertical pipe). * value: Default value (Item #, starting at 0). * '''radio''': Radio buttons. Essentially the same as '''select'''. * options: List of values, separated by '''|''' (vertical pipe). * value: Default value (Item #, starting at 0). * '''textarea''': Multi-line text area. * cols: Width in columns. * rows: Height in lines.