= Reference entry clearance procedure = A cookbook and subject to discussion and improvements In order to enforce our policy regarding entries at the TracUsers page, here are some recipes to follow as a general rule. Having an clearly outlined process is certainly good for forming common principles, standards for the collaborative clearance work and keep the process explicitly open for review and discussion of improvements as needed. == Internet research == Not much to say here. We just follow a link, if provided, or try to find the corresponding site by other means and look for a public Trac there or at least an explicit reference to one. == Direct contact == If the previous step fails, but we've found an inquiry web form or at least an appropriate email address, we'll send out a formal inquiry. We want to send just one inquiry to keep the overall process time per entry low, so we better try hard to make sure it reaches the recipient at least, right? That's why I personally prefer web forms to avoid possible email loss by false SPAM filtering at recipients site. Here are some samples, that I use extensively, with [#additions slight modification] as I see the need for it. general inquiry {{{ subject: Inquiry regarding Trac usage update Dear Madams and Gentlemen, according to http://trac.edgewall.org/wiki/TracUsers you've declared, that you did use Trac software in the past, or someone else did so on your behalf. Since there is no public Trac according to my research and I can't find other evidence for Trac usage at the current website as well, I do request kindly, that you declare yourself regarding current Trac usage, at least internally. Further information/short usage summary would be perfect. Please note, this is purely for reference, no commercial interests from my/our side. You don't need to declare anything, but I'll consider deletion of the entry in question after 10 days without feedback from your side. Thank you for taking care. Sincerely }}} general inquiry (German version) {{{ Betreff: Anfrage zur (internen) Verwendung von Trac Werte Damen und Herren, auf http://trac.edgewall.org/wiki/TracUsers wurde durch Sie oder andere ein Referenzeintrag für Ihre Firma angelegt. Es wäre sehr hilfreich für meine Überprüfung, wenn Sie mir kurz rückmelden, ob Sie Trac (noch) intern einsetzen, weil dies aus Ihrer Internet-Präsenz nicht hervorgeht. Sie haben keinerlei Verpflichtungen, so wie ich keine wirtschaftlichen Interessen verfolge. Ich erlaube mir allerdings die Freigabe zur Löschung des fraglichen Eintrags, wenn sich binnen 10 Tagen niemand dazu äußert. Vielen Dank im voraus für jede mögliche Aufklärung in dieser Sache. Mit freundlichem Gruß }}} common additions [=#additions] * if contact is questionable (i.e. there are several possible contacts, and we send on inquiry to each one or at least to the most likely one) {{{ In your case a clearer reference would be appreciated too, since your company's name is not unique at a worldwide scale. }}} German version {{{ In Ihrem Fall wäre ggf. noch eine Präzisierung des Eintrags sinnvoll, so er wirklich Ihr Unternehmen betrifft. }}} After sending at least one inquiry, we move the entry to the section '[wiki:TracUsers#Undecidedinquirypending Undecided, inquiry pending]' and append a note regarding the end of the minimal response time to it: {{{ (without feedback to be deleted after ) }}}