= Who Uses Trac? = This is a list of companies, organizations and individuals using Trac in any fashion. If you use Trac, don't be shy to [http://projects.edgewall.com/trac/wiki/TracUsers?edit=yes add yourself to the list]. ---- * '''Edgewall Software''' -- http://projects.edgewall.com/ -- ''We use Trac to host and maintain our software projects, including Trac itself.'' * '''TopicLive''' -- http://www.topiclive.com -- ''We use Trac (with subversion) to manage our internal development.'' * '''SécuriWeb inc.''' -- http://www.securiweb.net/ -- ''We use Trac to maintain both customers and internal projects, we also implement/customize trac/subversion solution inside development team. Please note that our business website is completely implanted using trac wiki'' * '''Chronos World Editor Project''' -- http://chronos.digitalsentience.com/ -- '' The Chronos project is an attempt to produce a highly flexible 3D content creation tool. It is currently aimed at producing content for the Axiom and Ogre3D engines, but is designed such that it could conceivably be used to generate content for any engine or format. It is written in C#. We use Trac for design outlines, milestone and ticket tracking, and documentation. * http://projects.twistedmatrix.com/ * http://www.ventonegro.org/projects/orbis/ * '''dsource.org''' -- http://dsource.org/ -- ''dsource.org uses (will use) Trac for managing our hosted projects' content, tickets, code browsing, etc. In general, the site hosts open source projects for the D Programming Language. For those who are wondering about D, see the [http://www.digitalmars.com/d Digital Mars] website.'' * '''Textpattern''' -- http://www.textpattern.com/ -- [http://dev.textpattern.com/trac.cgi Trac] -- ''Simple, elegant, powerful, and now, self-documenting.'' * '''Zuercher Technologies''' -- http://www.zuerchertech.com -- ''We use Trac and subversion to manage our internal development.'' * '''CMS Made Simple''' -- http://www.cmsmadesimple.org/ -- ''Trac and subversion together are a very powerful tool. We use it for all aspects of our project development.'' * '''Kofoto''' -- http://kofoto.rosdahl.net -- ''The Kofoto (an image organizer/viewer program) project uses a Trac installation as its project site.'' * '''SageTV Community''' -- http://www.sage-community.org/ -- ''The community of SageTV enthusiasts has built a website using Trac and subversion to host information about using and extending [http://www.sage.tv/ SageTV] and to manage related development projects.'' * '''Interact S.A.''' -- http://www.interact.lu/ -- ''A communication agency with an important IT department. We use Trac on more than 10 projects at the moment, both internal and external.'' * '''OpenSistemas''' -- http://www.opensistemas.com/ -- ''Linux and Free Software development company from Spain. We use Trac / svn on every project we develop. * '''HTP, Inc.''' -- http://www.htp-inc.com/ -- ''Healthcare Transaction Processing solution providers. We use Trac / svn for our PPO Router product development. * '''Voluna Software Limited / Xinit Systems Limited, UK''' -- http://www.voluna.com/ and http://www.xinit.com/ -- ''We are a Linux-based server and storage vendor company (Xinit Systems). We are spinning off a new company called Voluna Software which uses Trac during development of its opensource storage management project called [http://www.openfiler.org/ Openfiler] which is available under the GNU GPL license. * '''dju`''' -- http://dju.elegiac.net/ -- ''I use Trac for personal projects developement and management of documents as well as bugs/wishes lists.'' * '''Zwe''' -- http://zwe.bulix.org/ -- ''Zwe is a website engine'' (Maxime Petazzoni) * '''TracTux''' -- https://tractux.bulix.org/ -- ''A communautary platform based on Apache2/Trac/Svn, currently in developpment'' (Maxime Petazzoni) * '''Ruby on Rails''' -- http://dev.rubyonrails.org/trac.cgi/report/1 -- ''Rails is an open source web-application framework for Ruby. It ships with an answer for every letter in MVC: Action Pack for the Controller and View, Active Record for the Model.'' * '''El Derecho Editores''' -- http://www.elderecho.com/ -- ''We've switched from VSS and no bug-tracking to Subversion and Trac for our internal development, and quite happily too.'' * '''svn-hosting.com''' -- http://www.svn-hosting.com/ -- ''We offer subversion hosting combined with trac hosting'' * '''Prelude Hybrid IDS project''' -- http://www.prelude-ids.org/ -- ''Prelude is an innovative Hybrid Intrusion Detection system. Prelude is commited to providing an Hybrid IDS that offers the ability to unify currently available tools into one, powerful, and distributed application.'' * '''Trigraph, Inc''' -- http://www.trigraph.com -- ''We find trac to be a very useful tool and are using it along with subversion internally.'' * '''BFG: Firefighting Edition, UIUC''' -- http://bfg.cs.uiuc.edu/ -- ''The BFG course at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign is using Trac as the portal for their effort to develop a firefighting simulation.'' * '''Netrino.net''' -- http://www.netrino.net/ -- ''We use Trac to make our development process more efficient and able to respond to client needs quickly. We love it.'' * '''Texas State University''' -- http://www.txstate.edu/ -- ''Trac is awesome! It sits behind two of of our instructional technology development projects, plus an informal knowledge base.'' * '''edu''' -- http://dev.muness.textdriven.com/ -- ''I use Trac for delivering content to students for a course I am teaching.'' * '''TrimPath''' -- http://trimpath.com/project -- ''We use Trac to maintain our open-source software projects, including the !JavaScript Templates (JST) engine.'' * '''FreeBSD profile.sh''' -- https://projects.fsck.ch/profile/ -- ''I use Trac for all my projects, the most prominent one being profile.sh for FreeBSD.'' * '''Intranel''' -- http://www.intranel.com -- ''We use Trac for issue tracking and are extending it for project management use.'' * '''Keyghost''' -- http://www.keyghost.com -- ''Our world leading hardware keystroke loggers are developed using Trac.'' * '''Wordpress Plugin Repository ''' -- http://dev.wp-plugins.org/ -- ''A rich environment for developers to create and share their work on WordPress-related plugin development.'' * '''PunBB''' -- http://dev.punbb.org/ -- ''Trac is used as a bug tracker and frontend for SubVersion for PunBB, a fast and light-weight PHP-powered discussion board.'' * '''KOREDESIGN''' -- http://koredesign.com -- ''We use Trac & SVN to manage our web projects.'' * '''DotClear''' -- http://dev.dotclear.net -- ''Using Track since 0.6, it rocks !'' * '''Sector 31''' -- http://sector31.cz -- ''For our web development we started using Trac shortly after switching to Subversion.'' * '''Endev Software''' -- http://www.endev.co.nz -- ''We use Trac for all internal and external client projects. Our developers and clients love it - we couldn't do without it'' * '''Telogis Ltd''' -- http://www.telogis.com -- ''We use Trac for all internal development and some external customer support.'' * '''Lopez Foods Inc''' -- http://www.lopezfoods.com -- ''We moved from VSS to Subversion. We have now incorporated Trac for internal development.'' * '''7th BBS''' -- http://dev.7thbbs.com/trac/7thbbs -- ''We use Trac & SVN to manage our project.''