Edgewall Software

Changes between Version 108 and Version 109 of TracSubversion

Mar 16, 2012, 3:33:09 PM (12 years ago)
aaron <aaron.laws@…>

Add information about svn binaries and python bindings.


  • TracSubversion

    v108 v109  
    242242 According to the README.txt file for the Subversion bindings, if you are using Python 2.5+ you need to rename all the .dll files in the libsvn folder to .pyd files. Upon further research, http://www.python.org/doc/faq/windows/#is-a-pyd-file-the-same-as-a-dll indicates you may need to have both the .pyd and .dll version of the libsvn files available. This resolved both the '`ImportError: No module named _core`' error (with only the DLL) and the '`ImportError: DLL load failed`' (with only the pyd) when testing from the console, and the browser.
     244 Note that the bindings don't come with all the necessary files, you also need to have svn binaries (`libeay32.dll`, `libsasl.dll`, etc.) available on the path.  If these files aren't available, you will receive the error `ImportError: DLL load failed:`.  Upon investigating with `depends.exe`, I found that `core.pyd` loaded, unloaded, then failed to load. So, when downloading from http://alagazam.net for instance, the Python bindings are not sufficient.  Pick up the subversion binaries as well and put them on your PATH.
    244246 Don't use 64bit version of Python. The Subversion project does not provide amd64 or ia64 setup executables, so if you want to use Subversion integration, you’ll need to either compile the bindings yourself, or use the x86 version of Python.