Edgewall Software

Version 3 (modified by daniel, 20 years ago) ( diff )

This page documents the 1.4 (latest stable) release. Documentation for other releases can be found here.

Trac Reports

The Trac reports module provides a simple, yet powerful reporting facility for presenting information about tickets from the Trac database.

Rather than have its own report format, TracReports relies on standard SQL SELECT statements for custom report definition.

Alternate Download Formats

Aside from the default HTML view, reports can also be exported in a number of alternate formats. At the bottom of the report page, you will find a list of available data formats. Click the desired link to download the alternate report format.

Comma-delimited - CSV (Comma Separated Values)

Export the report as plain text, each row on its own line, columns separated by a single comma (','). Note: Column data is stripped from carriage returns, line feeds and commas to preserve structure.


Like above, but uses tabs (\t) instead of comma.

RSS - XML Content Syndication

All reports support syndication using XML/RSS 2.0. To subscribe to a , click the the orange 'XML' icon at the bottom of the page. See TracRss for general information on RSS support in Trac.

Creating Custom Reports

Creating a custom report requires knowing and using the SQL query language.

A report is basically a single named SQL query, executed and presented by Trac. Reports can be viewed and created from a custom SQL expression directly in from the web interface.

Typically, a report consists of a SELECT-expression from the 'ticket' table, using the available columns and sorting the way you want it.

Ticket columns

The ticket table has the following columns:

  • id
  • time
  • changetime
  • component
  • severity
  • priority
  • owner
  • reporter
  • cc
  • url
  • version
  • milestone
  • status
  • resolution
  • summary
  • description

See TracTickets for a detailed description of the column fields.

all active tickets, sorted by priority and time

Example: All active tickets, sorted by priority and time

SELECT id AS ticket, status, severity, priority, owner, 
       time as created, summary FROM ticket 
  WHERE status IN ('new', 'assigned', 'reopened')
  ORDER BY priority, time

Advanced Reports: Custom Formatting

Trac is also capable of more advanced reports, including custom layouts, result grouping and user-defined CSS styles. To create such reports, we'll use specialized SQL statements to control the output of the Trac report engine.

Special Columns

To format reports, TracReports looks for 'magic' column names in the query result. These 'magic' names are processed and affect the layout and style of the final report.

Automatically formatted columns

  • ticket — Ticket ID number. Becomes a hyperlink to that ticket.
  • created, modified, date, time — Format cell as a date and/or time.
  • description — Ticket description field, parsed through the wiki engine.


SELECT id as ticket, created, status, summary FROM ticket 

Custom formatting columns

Columns whose name begins and ends with '' (Example: color) are assumed to be formatting hints, affecting the appearance of the row.

  • _group_ — Group results based on values in this column. Each group will have its own header and table.
  • _color_ — Should be a numeric value ranging from 1 to 5 to select a pre-defined row color. Typically used to color rows by issue priority.
  • _style_ —- A custom CSS style expression to use for the current row.

Example: List active tickets, grouped by milestone, colored by priority

SELECT p.value AS __color__,
     t.milestone AS __group__,
     (CASE owner WHEN 'daniel' THEN 'font-weight: bold; background: red;' ELSE '' END) AS __style__,
       t.id AS ticket, summary
  FROM ticket t,enum p
  WHERE t.status IN ('new', 'assigned', 'reopened') 
    AND p.name=t.priority AND p.type='priority'
  ORDER BY t.milestone, p.value, t.severity, t.time

Note: A table join is used to match ticket priorities with their numeric representation from the enum table.

Changing layout of report rows

By default, all columns on each row are display on a single row in the HTML report, possibly formatted according to the descriptions above. However, it's also possible to create multi-line report entries.

  • column_Break row after this. By appending an underscore ('_') to the column name, the remaining columns will be be continued on a second line.
  • _column_Full row. By adding an underscore ('_') both at the beginning and the end of a column name, the data will be shown on a separate row.
  • _columnHide data. Prepending an underscore ('_') to a column name instructs Trac to hide the contents from the HTML output. This is useful fore information to be visible only if downloaded in other formats (like CSV or RSS/XML).

Example: List active tickets, grouped by milestone, colored by priority, with description and multi-line layout

SELECT p.value AS __color__,
       t.milestone AS __group__,
       (CASE owner 
          WHEN 'daniel' THEN 'font-weight: bold background: red;' 
          ELSE '' END) AS __style__,
       t.id AS ticket, summary AS summary_,             -- ## Break line here
       component,version, severity, milestone, status, owner,
       time AS created, changetime AS modified,         -- ## Dates are formatted
       description AS _description_,                    -- ## Uses a full row
       changetime AS _changetime, reporter AS _reporter -- ## Hidden from HTML output
  FROM ticket t,enum p
  WHERE t.status IN ('new', 'assigned', 'reopened') 
    AND p.name=t.priority AND p.type='priority'
  ORDER BY t.milestone, p.value, t.severity, t.time

Sample Reports

status and summary for all tickets

SELECT id as ticket, status, summary FROM ticket

all active tickets, sorted by priority and time

SELECT id AS ticket, status, severity, priority, owner, 
       time as created, summary FROM ticket 
  WHERE status IN ('new', 'assigned', 'reopened')
  ORDER BY priority, time

active tickets, grouped by milestone and sorted by priority

SELECT id AS ticket, milestone, status, severity, 
       priority, component, owner, summary 
  FROM ticket 
  WHERE status IN ('new', 'assigned', 'reopened')
  ORDER BY milestone, 
    (CASE priority 
      WHEN 'highest' THEN 0 
      WHEN 'high' THEN 1 
      WHEN 'normal' THEN 2 
      WHEN 'low' THEN 3 
      ELSE 4 
    END), severity, time

See also: TracTickets, TracGuide

Note: See TracWiki for help on using the wiki.