Edgewall Software

Version 14 (modified by Christian Boos, 15 years ago) ( diff )

emphasize using tracd.exe, as suggested in #7496

Trac Standalone Server On Windows

This Windows specific guide is heavily based on the generic TracInstall guide with bits and pieces borrowed from TracOnWindows

The goal of this guide is to get Windows users up and running as quickly as possible with the minimal amount of fuss.

So if you just want to set up Trac on a Windows machine to play around with the features in Trac use this setup.

This setup uses the tracd stand alone server and does not require installation and configuration of a separate webserver like Apache. To read about the pro's and con's of a tracd based install compared to other options see the generic TracStandalone page. That page also contains some additional tips for a Windows setup.

For a more verbose guide including more options and possible hints if you run into problems see TracOnWindows

This short guide takes you through these steps:

  1. Downloading other required binary packages and Trac itself
  2. Installing everything
  3. Creating a Project Environment
  4. Running tracd the Standalone Server
  5. Using Trac (and Subversion)

Downloading Requirements

Warning: those instructions were written for Trac 0.9b1

To install Trac, the following software packages must be installed:

Installing Everything

  1. Install Subversion

Check that C:\your_install_path\Subversion\bin is in your PATH environment variable because this directory contains library files needed by the python subversion bindings.

  1. Install Python

Add C:\Python23 to the PATH environment variable (or you will have to supply the path on every call to python in the sections below)

  1. Install everything else by following the steps in the TracOnWindows#InstallTracPrerequisites section.

Creating a Project Environment

A Trac environment is the backend storage where Trac stores information like wiki pages, tickets, reports, settings, etc. An environment is basically a directory that contains a human-readable configuration file and various other files and directories.

A new environment is created using trac-admin:

C:\> svnadmin create C:\path\to\svn_project
C:\Python23\Scripts> python trac-admin C:\path\to\trac_env initenv

trac-admin will prompt you for the information it needs to create the environment, such as the name of the project, the database connection string, and so on.

Running the Standalone Server

After having created a Trac environment, you can easily try the web interface by running the standalone server tracd:

C:\Python23\Scripts> python tracd --port 8000 C:\path\to\trac_env

Then, fire up a browser and visit http://localhost:8000/. You should get a simple listing of all environments that tracd knows about. Follow the link to the environment you just created, and you should see Trac in action.

Running Tracd as service

Instructions also valid for 0.11 (see #7496)

  • download the Windows Server 2003 Resource Kit at Microsoft
  • run "InstSrv <servicename> c:\path\to\resourcekit\SrvAny.exe", where you insert your own service name (without angle brackets, e.g. tracd) and the full path to the SrvAny.exe.
  • open HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\<servicename> in RegEdit
  • create subkey *Parameters*
  • create string value *Application* with the full path to tracd.exe
  • create string value *AppParameters* with the set of desired tracd parameters, e.g. "—port 8080 c:\path\to\trac" (without the quotes)
  • open the Services tool (somewhere in the administrative tools in the Windows control panel) and start your service

(tested with trac 0.11dev-r5982 on Windows Server 2003)

This method does create a service that will run correctly, but it does not stop correctly (at least on W server 2003) Every time you stop / restart the service it leaves an orphan tracd, which shows up as python.exe, listening on the port that was specified for tracd which you can see with the terminal services admin program. You can manually kill the process with the tsa program, but shouldn't there be a way to have this happen automatically when stopping the service?

Using Trac (and Subversion)

Once you have your Trac site up and running, you should be able to browse your subversion repository, create tickets, view the timeline, etc.

Keep in mind that anonymous (not logged in) users can by default access most but not all of the features. You will need to configure authentication and grant additional permissions to authenticated users to see the full set of features.


See also: TracGuide, TracStandalone, TracUpgrade, TracPermissions, TracOnWindows, Installing Trac on Windows

Note: See TracWiki for help on using the wiki.