= Trac on Ubuntu = {{{ #!div class=important '''Help wanted:''' The various Ubuntu specific install docs should be cleaned and merged where that makes sense... }}} Ubuntu: * [wiki:0.11/TracOnUbuntu] * [wiki:0.11/TracOnUbuntuHardy hardy, cgi]. * TracUbuntuMultipleProjects * [wiki:0.10.4/TracOnUbuntuHardy] * TracInstallUbuntu * [https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuTracHowto Ubuntu-Trac] * TracFeisty General: * TracInstallPlatforms * TracInstall '''Ubuntu 8.04.2 Hardy Note:''' the default package installs trac-post-commit-hook under /usr/share/doc/trac/contrib path. Unfortunately this script is not working correctly with Trac 0.11 and you need to download the latest version from [source:0.11-stable/contrib/trac-post-commit-hook].