See TracOnOsxDarwinPorts= Using MacPorts (what used to be known as DarwinPorts) = Installation steps: 1. sudo port install apache2 1. sudo port install subversion +mod_dav_svn 1. sudo port install trac Optional: 1. sudo port install mod_python25 Note that you must ensure that you have installed the right version of mod_python for the python version upon which trac depends. As of late August, 2007 this is python25, and thus you have to use mod_python25. After installing mod_python you may need to add {{{LoadModule python_module modules/}}} to your httpd.conf file. Here is the trac configuration from my httpd.conf {{{ # # recall that ServerName has to be a read DNS name and # match your VirtualHost spec (esp. if you are running on a special port) # ServerName DocumentRoot "/Projects/Trac" # # don't forget to give httpd permission to read your trac docs and your trac root! # Order allow,deny Allow from all Order allow,deny Allow from all # # trac mod_python configuration # # we must first indicate where the doc supplementary # files are so that trac's internal documentation works # Alias /trachtdocs/ "/opt/local/share/trac/htdocs/" # then we indicate that, for this location, mod_python is in use SetHandler mod_python PythonInterpreter main_interpreter # next, we indicate where the "main()" is for mod_python PythonHandler trac.web.modpython_frontend # and now we configure trac via a few mod_python env variables. PythonOption TracUriRoot "/trac" PythonOption TracEnvParentDir "/Projects/Trac" # # trac authenticates with URLs of the form .../login, # so we must match appropriately according to our TracUriRoot above # # for this example, only basic file-based authentication is demonstrated, # but don't forget that many rich forms of authentication are available # including LDAP, DBM, groupfile, etc. AuthType Basic AuthName " Trac" AuthUserFile "/opt/local/etc/trac-auth-file" Require valid-user }}} == If you installed Subversion without Berkeley DB support == If you installed Subversion without Berkeley DB support and the rest as above you get an Trac error: {{{ TracError: Unsupported version control system "svn". Check that the Python bindings for "svn" are correctly installed. }}} The reason is that the Subversion python bindings have been installed with the Berkeley DB support. Either start again and follow the above instructions exactly or fix as follows: 1. sudo port uninstall trac 1. sudo port uninstall subversion-python25bindings 1. sudo port install subversion-python25bindings +no_bdb 1. sudo port install trac