= Installing Trac on OpenBSD = Trac is in ports now, so simply install the package shipped with the OS: {{{ $ export PKG_PATH=ftp://ftp.openbsd.org/pub/OpenBSD/`uname -r`/packages/`uname -m`/ $ sudo pkg_add trac }}} This will also install all dependencies, including the most appropriate Python port. Apache httpd 2.2 is also in the ports tree with a package available. If PKG_PATH is already set correctly, simply do: {{{ $ sudo pkg_add apache-httpd }}} [http://www.openbsd.org/cgi-bin/man.cgi?query=pkg_add pkg_add(1)] automatically installs any dependencies. == Manual Install Not Needed == The OpenBSD project tweaks, packages and tests thousands of pieces of software in the ports tree for every release so you don't have to. Unless you specifically know why, you should just use packages instead of compiling from ports or, even worse, try to download tarballs and compile the programs yourself. == First-time setup == === Create the Subversion repository === {{{ $ svnadmin create /var/svn }}} === Create the Trac project environment === {{{ $ trac-admin /var/trac initenv Creating a new Trac environment at /var/trac Trac will first ask a few questions about your environment in order to initalize and prepare the project database. Please enter the name of your project. This name will be used in page titles and descriptions. Project Name [My Project]> (Your project name) Please specify the absolute path to the project Subversion repository. Repository must be local, and trac-admin requires read+write permission to initialize the Trac database. Path to repository [/var/svn/test]> /var/svn Please enter location of Trac page templates. Default is the location of the site-wide templates installed with Trac. Templates directory [/usr/local/share/trac/templates]> (Just press enter here) Creating and Initializing Project (Output removed) Don't forget, you also need to copy (or symlink) "trac/cgi-bin/trac.cgi" to you web server's /cgi-bin/ directory, and then configure the server. cp /usr/local/share/trac/cgi-bin/trac.cgi /usr/local/apache2/cgi-bin If you're using Apache, this config example snippet might be helpful: Alias /trac "/var/www/users/trac/htdocs/" SetEnv TRAC_ENV "/var/trac" $ chmod -R a+rw /var/svn/repo }}}