= Trac on Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard Server = The following instructions were developed based on the notes at http://sonzea.com/articles/subversion-trac.html In order to get Trac with SVN running on Leopard, I followed the following steps: 1. Create a user account (subversion) for file storage and enable sudo. * Use the Workgroup Manager application and create the user "Subversion" (with short name "subversion") * Log in as an Administrator and edit the sudo file (using ```sudo visudo```) 1. Set up a simple test SVN repository. {{{ % cd /Users/subversion; svnadmin create test-repo }}} 1. Test that the SVN repository works {{{ % cd /tmp % svn co file:///Users/subversion/test-repo % cd test-repo % svn mkdir tags branches trunk % svn ci -m "Initial structure" }}} 1. With that simple repository, time to set up apache to get HTTP access to this (via DAV). Later, this will facilitate moving the HTTP-based authentication against the Mac OS X server directory. To do this, create a file ```httpd-subversion.conf``` in ```/private/etc/apache2/extra``` with the following contents: {{{ DavLockDB var/DavLock LoadModule dav_svn_module libexec/apache2/mod_dav_svn.so LoadModule authz_svn_module libexec/apache2/mod_authz_svn.so DAV svn SVNPath /Users/subversion/test-repo }}} Note: Alternatively you can remove the 2nd and 3rd lines and enable those two modules through the Server Admin application. 1. Add in a line into the ```httpd.conf``` file right after the SSL lines that reads: {{{ # # Subversion Include /private/etc/apache2/extra/httpd-subversion.conf # End of Subversion # }}} 1. Restart apache and verify access to ```http://localhost/test-repo``` {{{ sudo apachectl graceful-stop sudo apachectl start }}} 1. Using Server Admin, enable SSL and restart Apache. This creates the required SSL files. Make sure also that mod_dav and mod_dav_fs are enabled. 1. Enable access via both port ```80``` and ```443``` by changing ```/etc/apache2/sites/virtual_host_global.conf``` to end with: {{{ Listen *:80 Listen *:443 }}} 1. Ensure that there are both ```0000_any_80_.conf``` and ```0000_any_443_.conf`` files. If either are *.conf.default, rename them, and then restart apache {{{ % mv 0000_any_80_.conf.default 0000_any_80_.conf % mv 0000_any_443_.conf.default 0000_any_443_.conf % sudo apachectl graceful-stop % sudo apachectl start }}} 1. Check SSL operation, by going to ```https://localhost/``` and ```http://localhost/``` 1. Change the SVN repository to require SSL, by adding the following lines in the ```httpd-subversion.conf``` {{{ SSLRequireSSL }}} 1. Now, make subversion require a valid user, validated against the Open Directory accounts using ```apple_auth_module``` (```mod_auth_apple.so```). Change ```extra/httpd-subversion.conf``` to the following, restart apache and test again. {{{ DavLockDB var/DavLock LoadModule auth_basic_module libexec/apache2/mod_auth_basic.so LoadModule dav_module libexec/apache2/mod_dav.so LoadModule dav_fs_module libexec/apache2/mod_dav_fs.so LoadModule dav_svn_module libexec/apache2/mod_dav_svn.so LoadModule authz_svn_module libexec/apache2/mod_authz_svn.so LoadModule apple_auth_module libexec/apache2/mod_auth_apple.so DAV svn SVNPath /Users/subversion/test-repo AuthType Basic AuthName "SVN Repository" AuthuserFile /dev/null AuthBasicAuthoritative Off Require valid-user SSLRequireSSL }}} 1. To install TRAC, download trac 0.11b1 from http://trac.edgewall.org, unpack, and install: {{{ % gunzip Trac-0.11b1.tar.gz % tar xf Trac-0.11b1.tar % cd Trac-0.11b1 % sudo python ./setup.py install }}} 1. Create a trac environment {{{ % trac-admin /Users/subversion/trac initenv % sudo chown -R www /Users/subversion/trac }}} 1. Test this trac environment is running, by using the tracd first. Since the directory is now owned by www, the sudo is required. Use Safari to check this by opening http://localhost:8000 {{{ % sudo tracd --port 8000 /Users/subversion/trac }}} 1. To set up TRAC to run under Apache (so we can get a single authentication system in place), we need to create ```httpd-fastcgi.conf``` under ```/private/etc/apache2/extra``` with the following content: {{{ LoadModule fastcgi_module libexec/apache2/mod_fastcgi.so # Enable FastCGI for .fcgi files AddHandler fastcgi-script .fcgi FastCgiIpcDir /var/run/fastcgi }}} 1. Configure apache to react to ```/trac``` references using fastcgi with the following content in ```httpd-trac.conf``` (also in ```/private/etc/apache2/extra``` {{{ # ScriptAlias /trac /Users/subversion/Trac-0.11b1/cgi-bin/trac.fcgi FastCgiConfig -initial-env TRAC_ENV=/Users/subversion/trac SetEnv TRAC_ENV "/Users/subversion/trac" SSLRequireSSL AllowOverride None Options None Order allow,deny Allow from all }}} 1. Modify ```httpd.conf``` to include these files, adding the following lines just below the line for subversion (as added above) {{{ ## ## TRAC ## Include /private/etc/apache2/extra/httpd-fastcgi.conf Include /private/etc/apache2/extra/httpd-trac.conf ## ## End of TRAC changes ### }}} 1. Test this by restarting apache and accessing ```http://localhost/trac``` 1. Modify TRAC to require an authenticated user. Change the content in ```httpd-trac.conf``` (in ```/private/etc/apache2/extra```) to that shown below and restart apache: {{{ # ScriptAlias /trac /Users/subversion/Trac-0.11b1/cgi-bin/trac.fcgi FastCgiConfig -initial-env TRAC_ENV=/Users/subversion/trac SetEnv TRAC_ENV "/Users/subversion/trac" AuthType Basic AuthName "SVN Repository" AuthuserFile /dev/null AuthBasicAuthoritative Off Require valid-user SSLRequireSSL AllowOverride None Options None Order allow,deny Allow from all }}} 1. To enable the !WebAdmin page to all authenticated users, use the following commands: {{{ % sudo trac-admin . > permission add authenticated TRAC_ADMIN > quit }}} == Notes == I had some trouble with the permissions on the /private/var/run/fastcgi directory. OSX seemed to keep repairing the permissions on this folder after I has changed them so apache could write to it. I solved it by pointing it to /tmp/fastcgi instead. see [http://www.astro.northwestern.edu/AstCCwiki/index.php?title=OS_X_Server_Administration#Install_the_necessary_components] for details. On OSX Server 10.5.3, I had an issue where it would complain that it couldn't write files on /Library/WebServer/.python-eggs. Just create the directory and make sure it has group write permissions and it should work.