= Installing and Running Trac on Gentoo = Trac is included in portage as of 2004/04/29. Installing is as simple as: {{{ emerge trac }}} Past that, normal Trac configuration should apply. Someone's put together a really nice guide to setting up trac on gentoo [http://home.dju.elegiac.net/wiki/MultipleTracInstancesOnGentoo here]. There were a couple of little things that were required to make Trac on Gentoo work. * Make sure your berkdb and python use flags are set to 'true'! * '''If you have any trouble, go down to the bottom and start emerging components this is how I figured out that the svn bindings for Python weren't building, etc..''' Be sure to run the python update script if needed. * Once built, your alias for /trac will be different from the TracInstall doc. It'll look something like this: {{{ Alias /trac "/var/www/yourdomainhere/htdocs/trac/" }}} This makes Trac all pretty, like you're used to seeing! Otherwise it's got essentially no layout. Attached is the ebuild to build trac from it's [http://projects.edgewall.com/trac/browser/trunk/ trunk] source. To use it save and extract it to your '''PORTDIR_OVERLAY''', normally {{{ /usr/local/portage/www-apps }}} Of course if you already don't have it there, add to your '''make.conf''': {{{ PORTDIR_OVERLAY="/usr/local/portage/" }}} So, from scratch, add the above to your '''make.conf''' and: {{{ mkdir /usr/local/portage/ mkdir /usr/local/portage/www-apps cd /usr/local/portage/www-apps wget http://projects.edgewall.com/trac/attachment/wiki/TracOnGentoo/trac-svn.tar tar zxvf trac-svn.tar rm trac-svn.tar emerge trac-svn -va }}}