= The Trac Configuration File = ''[Note To Editors] Please discuss documentation changes in the [#Discussion] section. Even better, send us documentation patches against the ''code'' (i.e. where the configuration entries are documented), either on Trac-dev or on new tickets. '' [[TracGuideToc]] Trac configuration is done by editing the '''`trac.ini`''' config file, located in `/conf/trac.ini`. Changes to the configuration are usually reflected immediately, though changes to the `[components]` or `[logging]` sections will require restarting the web server. You may also need to restart the web server after creating a global configuration file when none was previously present. The `trac.ini` configuration file should be writable by the web server, as Trac currently relies on the possibility to trigger a complete environment reload to flush its caches. == Global Configuration == In versions prior to 0.11, the global configuration was by default located in `$prefix/share/trac/conf/trac.ini` or /etc/trac/trac.ini, depending on the distribution. If you're upgrading, you may want to specify that file to inherit from. Literally, when you're upgrading to 0.11, you have to add an `[inherit]` section to your project's `trac.ini` file. Additionally, you have to move your customized templates and common images from `$prefix/share/trac/...` to the new location. Global options will be merged with the environment-specific options, where local options override global options. The options file is specified as follows: {{{ [inherit] file = /usr/share/trac/conf/trac.ini }}} Note that you can also specify a global option file when creating a new project, by adding the option `--inherit=/path/to/global/options` to [TracAdmin trac-admin]'s `initenv` command. If do not do this but nevertheless intend to use a global option file with your new environment, you will have to go through the newly generated conf/trac.ini file and delete the entries that will otherwise override those set in the global file. == Reference == This is a brief reference of available configuration options. {{{ #!comment Suggest your documentation fixes in the Discussion section at the bottom of the page, or better send us patches for the docstrings! }}} [[TracIni()]] == [components] == #components-section This section is used to enable or disable components provided by plugins, as well as by Trac itself. The component to enable/disable is specified via the name of the option. Whether its enabled is determined by the option value; setting the value to `enabled` or `on` will enable the component, any other value (typically `disabled` or `off`) will disable the component. The option name is either the fully qualified name of the components or the module/package prefix of the component. The former enables/disables a specific component, while the latter enables/disables any component in the specified package/module. Consider the following configuration snippet: {{{ [components] trac.ticket.report.ReportModule = disabled webadmin.* = enabled }}} The first option tells Trac to disable the [wiki:TracReports report module]. The second option instructs Trac to enable all components in the `webadmin` package. Note that the trailing wildcard is required for module/package matching. See the ''Plugins'' page on ''About Trac'' to get the list of active components (requires `CONFIG_VIEW` [wiki:TracPermissions permissions].) See also: TracPlugins == [ticket-custom] == #ticket-custom-section In this section, you can define additional fields for tickets. See TracTicketsCustomFields for more details. == [ticket-workflow] == #ticket-workflow-section ''(since 0.11)'' The workflow for tickets is controlled by plugins. By default, there's only a `ConfigurableTicketWorkflow` component in charge. That component allows the workflow to be configured via this section in the trac.ini file. See TracWorkflow for more details. == [milestone-groups] == #milestone-groups-section ''(since 0.11)'' As the workflow for tickets is now configurable, there can be many ticket states, and simply displaying closed tickets vs. all the others is maybe not appropriate in all cases. This section enables one to easily create ''groups'' of states that will be shown in different colors in the milestone progress bar. Example configuration (the default only has closed and active, and you will need to remove the comments, or else you get a syntax error): {{{ closed = closed closed.order = 0 # sequence number in the progress bar closed.query_args = group=resolution # optional extra param for the query closed.overall_completion = true # indicates groups that count for overall completion percentage new = new new.order = 1 new.css_class = new new.label = new active = * # one catch-all group is allowed active.order = 1 active.css_class = open # CSS class for this interval active.label = in progress # Displayed label for this group }}} The definition consists in a comma-separated list of accepted status. Also, '*' means any status and could be used to associate all remaining states to one catch-all group. The CSS class can be one of: new (yellow), open (no color) or closed (green). New styles can easily be added using the following selector: `table.progress td.` == [svn:externals] == #svn:externals-section ''(since 0.11)'' The TracBrowser for Subversion can interpret the `svn:externals` property of folders out of the box. However, if those externals are ''not'' using the `http:` protocol, or if a link to a different repository browser (such another Trac or [http://www.viewvc.org/ ViewVC]) is desired, then Trac needs to be able to map an external prefix to this other URL. This mapping is done in the `[svn:externals]` section of the TracIni Example: {{{ [svn:externals] 1 = svn://server/repos1 http://trac/proj1/browser/$path?rev=$rev 2 = svn://server/repos2 http://trac/proj2/browser/$path?rev=$rev 3 = http://theirserver.org/svn/eng-soft http://ourserver/viewvc/svn/$path/?pathrev=25914 4 = svn://anotherserver.com/tools_repository http://ourserver/trac/support/browser/$path?rev=$rev }}} With the above, the `svn://anotherserver.com/tools_repository/tags/1.1/tools` external will be mapped to `http://ourserver/trac/support/browser/tags/1.1/tools?rev=` (and `rev` will be set to the appropriate revision number if the external additionally specifies a revision, see the [http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.4/svn.advanced.externals.html SVN Book on externals] for more details). Note that the number used as a key in the above section is purely used as a place holder, as the URLs themselves can't be used as a key due to various limitations in the configuration file parser. == Discussion == ''Please discuss documentation changes here. Even better, send us documentation patches against the code, either on Trac-dev or on new tickets.'' * There should be some indication provided here that the [vote] section from the th:VotePlugin is not part of the default Trac installation. comment:20:ticket:374. * More detail on getting [svn:externals] to work would be appreciated. A link to a working example would probably help a lot too. * In reference to ''However, if those externals are not using the http: protocol ...''. Does `http:` imply `https:` as well? * The URLs in the example (4) are confusing to me. Shouldn't `browser` reside immediately below `trac` in a typical installation? I think the example would be clearer (more familiar to most people) if you changed the first URL to `svn://anotherserver.com/projecta` and the second URL to `http://ourserver.com/trac/browser/external/$path?rev=$rev`. Unless there is something about the seemingly overly specific URLs in the current example that I'm not getting? * There is, apparently, an [svn] `repository_url` option that is not documented here. * Some more info on how to customize ticket_subject_template would be helpful. Perhaps show what the setting would be for the default subject. * It can be helpful to know the default values for each entry, perhaps specified in a common format such as square brackets [] at the end of the description (or at the beginning of the description). * Suggested edits for the [svn] section || branches || Comma separated list of paths categorized as branches. If a path ends with '*', then all the directory entries found below that path will be included. Example: `branches = /trunk, /branches/*, /ProjectB/trunk, /ProjectB/branches/milestone3`. || || tags || Comma separated list of paths categorized as tags. If a path ends with '*', then all the directory entries found below that path will be included. Example: `tags = /tags/*, /ProjectB/tags/milestone1, /ProjectB/tags/milestone2`. || * I'd like some example usage of the query_args parameter in the [milestone-groups] [wiki:TracIni#milestone-groups-section section] for showing additional columns and changing the sort order. This example gives two additional columns: created and modified and it sorts on created. {{{ closed = closed closed.order = 0 closed.overall_completion = true closed.query_args = group=resolution,col=id,col=summary,col=owner,col=type,col=priority,col=component,col=severity,col=time,col=changetime,order=time }}} ---- See also: TracGuide, TracAdmin, TracEnvironment