= Trac ideas and suggestions Organized by topics, this is a new //free for all// discussion area in the Trac wiki. Typically, these pages should collect **short**, **precise** and **actionable** items, a bit like a giant structured !TODO list. If you notice typos in the code, a glitch in the CSS, an annoying behavior ... but don't feel this is worth creating a ticket, then this is the place! - [./DefaultTheme] -- all things about the CSS and the default layout - [./TracAttachments] -- how to improve the attachments feature - [./TracBrowser] -- how to improve the Trac source browser - [./TracChangeset] -- ... the changeset view, diffs, etc. - [./TracTickets] -- ideas for the single ticket view and edit - [./TracQuery] -- ideas for the custom query view, batch edit, TicketQuery macro... - [./TracWiki] -- ideas for the Wiki, WikiFormatting, TracLinks - [./TracSearch] -- ideas for improving the search - [./TracWorkflow] -- ideas for improving the ticket workflow \\\\ ---- Note: //the TracDev/ScratchPad pages are similar in intent in such that they try to address sub-systems as a whole instead of focusing on a particular issue like we usually do in a single ticket, but they are more **developer** oriented. They are better used for discussing technicalities, how to refactor the code for greater flexibility or performance, or write API proposals, etc.// //By contrast, the present !TracIdeas/ pages are really meant to collect constructive feedback **from the users** (or from the developers with their user hat on!)//