= Ideas and suggestions for [wiki:/TracBrowser] This page collects ideas and suggestions for enhancing the source browser. If you have a small nice idea but don't feel like starting a discussion on the MailingList or creating a new ticket, this is the place! == Existing issues (as a quick reminder) [[TicketQuery(status!=closed,component=version control/browser,format=compact)]] Well, format kept "compact", otherwise it wouldn't be a //quick// reminder that we have //tons// of open issues there ;-) == Glitches - `Last change on this file since 11174 was 11174, by cboos`: this looks stupid, we need to have a special case when lastrev == stickyrev. Perhaps simply: `This file was changed/added in 11174`? - The two input fields look a bit redundant `View revision: ____ View diff against: ____`; better have one, with two buttons `___________ (View) (Diff)` - The quickjump menu could be used to //prefill// that "revision" input field (providing an easy way to diff against a different branch, in the svn case) - The quickjump menu could even be replaced by a jQueryUI autocomplete widget, the default entries being the one currently given, but the autocompletion should follow the given path (svn, dvcs) or revision name ("head" for svn dvcs only) == Admin - possibility to disable/deactivate a repository, without removing it - [browser:trunk/trac/versioncontrol/templates/admin_repositories.html@13008:63-64#L62 This message] is wrong. Not all non-editable repositories are defined in trac.ini. There can be other `IRepositoryProvider` implementations. ---- See also: - TracDev/ScratchPad/BrowserModule