[[PageOutline]] = TracDev ToDo List = Let's make 0.12.3 happen! == Keep an eye on contributions - #1942 has been revived recently, review the patches - interesting patch on #10425, need to follow-up on #10178 as well - Tickets with **patch** keyword (//initial patch proposed//) \\ By milestone: [[TicketQuery(status=!closed,keywords=~patch,order=priority,milestone=!unscheduled,group=milestone,format=compact)]] - Tickets with **review** keyword (//patch or branch "ready", need some review)//: \\ By milestone: [[TicketQuery(status=!closed,keywords=~review,order=priority,group=milestone,format=compact)]] - Tickets with **needfixup** keyword (//patch or branch already reviewed, need some further work//): \\ By milestone: [[TicketQuery(status=!closed,keywords=~needfixup,order=priority,milestone=!unscheduled,group=milestone,format=compact)]] - Tickets with no milestone set (//need to be triaged//) {20}: \\ [[TicketQuery(status=!closed,milestone=,keywords!~=needinfo|patch,created=1weekago..,format=count)]] new this week, [[TicketQuery(status=!closed,milestone=,keywords!~=needinfo|patch,created=..1weekago,format=count)]] older and [[TicketQuery(type=enhancement,status=!closed,milestone=,keywords=~patch,format=count)]] with patches We should strive to keep the number of untriaged tickets older than a week down to 0! == Next Releases === **Release [milestone:0.12.3]** - Countdown... [[TicketQuery(milestone=0.12.3,status!=closed,format=count)]] tickets left - review and integrate TracGuide updates, see [/log/cboos/?rev=trac-guide-0.12] - (need to enhance `log:` links one day to accept branch names...) - ~~review pending tickets, dispatch non-essential ones to [milestone:next-minor-0.12.x]~~ - 0.12.3rc1 ASAP - mail Trac-dev about testing the rc1 (and last call for i18n) - verify compatibility with upcoming Genshi:milestone:0.6.1(?) === [milestone:0.13] Seems like we're getting close to the scheduled date for 0.13, so it's time to reduce its scope... and move not yet started tickets to [milestone:next-major-0.1X]. We should focus on completing the tickets which are "work in progress". === [milestone:0.14] Main features - looks like they won't make it for 0.13... - currently working on #1132, #3021 and GenericTrac, attacking it from the wiki side... - #31 and #886 (experimental repos:ticket-links) - TracDev/Proposals/MultipleProject - #4431 and related wiki improvements (experimental branch http://github.com/cboos/trac/tree/wikiparser) - #2456 - users, #5648 - groups Minor features: * i18n - #2182 - test jun's branch - perhaps translation for workflow status and action names (#5441) - early loading and caching of catalogs (was discussed in #9439) - __More revisions available__ link at the bottom of revision log, when viewing a partial revision set (#4854 actually) - Help delegator (ticket:2656#comment:26) - #8507 improve explicit gc === For later - [milestone:next-major-0.1X] - Custom Queries: #7026 - redo with jQuery UI drag'n'drop? - Version Control: - `CachedRepository.get_path_history` - #3236 - Template: replace support for Clearsilver with support for Jinja2 - TracDev/Proposals/Jinja //(less urgent now that we have a good Genshi 0.6 release)// == Mercurial plugin == - #1492 ~~`log --follow-first` (check, isn't that already done?) ~~ no, seems like follow-first is meaningless - add basic support for cached repo (#8417) - show merge changesets in revision log (#3236) == Git plugin == - #1492 ~~`log --first-parent` support~~ == Miscellaneous * **sort order of tickets in search results**: I expected this to be based on the most recent modification time first? It's seems it's creation time first... * Verify this one, not sure yet it's a bug which is still present or a transient error that happened in between updates: {{{ 2010-02-26 19:24:14,087 Trac[changeset] WARNING: Diff rendering failed for property svn:mergeinfo with renderer SubversionMergePropertyDiffRenderer: Traceback (most recent call last): File "build/bdist.linux-x86_64/egg/trac/versioncontrol/web_ui/changeset.py", line 798, in render_property_diff options) File "build/bdist.linux-x86_64/egg/trac/versioncontrol/svn_prop.py", line 297, in render_property_diff all_revs = set(repos._get_node_revs(spath)) File "build/bdist.linux-x86_64/egg/trac/versioncontrol/cache.py", line 290, in _get_node_revs slast = '%010d' % last TypeError: int argument required }}} * In TracInstall#GeneratingtheTraccgi-bindirectory, there's the mention of ''chicken/egg'' problem with `trac-admin deploy`. I've been bitten by this as well and I think we should support a direct `trac-admin deploy ` call syntax, i.e. without the need to specify a (dummy) environment. ---- ''To editors: this is not the place where to put your favorite ticket (see SeaChange/WhatUsersWant instead); this page must be kept short and is mainly for improving the clarity of the ongoing development activity in the TracTeam.''