= Scratchpad for user interface design This part of the TracDev hierarchy is complementary to the [[Proposals]] and collects improvement ideas at the level of pages, so we mainly focus here on the feature set and the user interface. Beside the obvious goals of trying to keep our interface as simple and intuitive as possible, we can also try to be consistent with what other similar systems do ("convergence"). This is also a place where multiple tickets for a similar functional module can be discussed together so that we can design something coherent. For example, the [./ChangesetModule] page contains suggestions for what could be improved when displaying the changesets. [[TitleIndex(TracDev/ScratchPad*,hideprefix)]] Topics that apply to more than one module are probably still best discussed in [[Proposals]]. If the "scratch pad" idea works well, maybe we could use a similar approach for planning changes to other parts of the code base ([[../Refactoring]]?). ---- See also: TracProject/UiGuidelines