Edgewall Software

Version 26 (modified by framay <franz.mayer@…>, 12 years ago) ( diff )

Highlighting more topics of release 1.0

0.12 | 1.1

Release Notes for Trac 1.0 Cell Release

1.0 corresponds to the next stable version of Trac (a.k.a. trunk)
These notes reflect the current status of beta1.


Detailed User Visible Changes

Component: admin/console (2 matches)

Ticket Release Notes

Back up the database during a trac-admin $ENV hotcopy, on all backends.


Import and export Trac permissions with trac-admin $ENV permission <import|export>

Component: admin/web (4 matches)

Ticket Release Notes

Redirect RSS and ICS links through /login for authenticated users, so that readers login when requesting the feeds.


Improved the layout of admin pages.


Separated permissions and group memberships in the permission admin panel.


In permission admin panel, gray out actions which are no longer defined.

Component: attachment (5 matches)

Ticket Release Notes

attachment: Added the possibility to download all attachments in a list as a .zip.


Added support for X-Sendfile for files served from the filesystem.


Uses SHA-1 instead of URL-encode for the physical file name of attachments. (Requires environment upgrade.)


Better reporting of problems detected by Attachment validators


Show number of attachments in section title

Component: contrib (1 match)

Ticket Release Notes

Add MilestoneOperation sample plugin, a workflow operation which assign a ticket to a milestone for some specific resolution values

Component: database backend (5 matches)

Ticket Release Notes

mysql_backend passes any additonal connection parameters to the database


Database backends now raise unified exceptions


Trac database connectors may now be used independently of Trac


Trac can now connect to a MySQL database using TLS/SSL encryption

  • Parameters are read from the connection string or a client configuration file specified by read_default_file

More robust environment upgrades by using a new db connection for each upgrade participant.

Component: general (25 matches)

Ticket Release Notes

Improved permission denied error message


New user preference for controlling the verbosity of the UI: Don't show the various help links.


Plugins can now extend meta-permissions


Trac now comes with some API documentation.


TracIni page now shows the default value for each setting.


Various internal improvements to the way Components are initialized


When modified, the session is now always saved regardless of the way the response is sent (except for send_error).


web: [inherit] htdocs_dir setting can be used to specify a shared location for resources, reachable using the "/htdocs/shared/" prefix.


Removed Python 2.4 support


admin: the default timezone and default language can be set in the "Basic Settings" panel


Added a user preference and a option to display relative/absolute datetime.


TracIni config sections are now documented, in addition to individual configuration items


Improved behavior and documentation for @cached properties.


Upgraded jQuery to 1.7.2.


jQuery may now be served from a Content Delivery Network using jquery_location in TracIni


jQuery UI is now included and can be configured using the new options jquery_ui_location and jquery_ui_theme_location.

Milestone due and completion dates can be changed using a date/time picker.


TracLinks may now link to a specific word within a source file or attachment using a URL fragment such as #/word (requires Javascript)


Moved old cgi-bin/ script to contrib/cgi-bin. The script might still be useful when trac-admin <env> deploy is not wanted.


Enable the httponly attribute on all cookies (for Python ≥ 2.6).


More robust time parsing


Proper unicode support in AuthzPolicy.


Added date picker for date fields in admin panels and the timeline.


jQuery UI updated to 1.8.21


Correctly handle single quote in string encoded with to_json()


Component: i18n (6 matches)

Ticket Release Notes

ticket: Added the ticket clone sample plugin as an optional component.


Translation of the documentation for TracIni options is now possible (in separate tracini.po catalogs)


The macro documents are translated in the language settings.


More robust date parsing


(JavaScript API improvement)


Correctly handle multiple i18n domains in JavaScript translations.

Component: notification (2 matches)

Ticket Release Notes

Email address in user preferences are now used even when user name contains an "@"


notification: Allow using the author of a change as the From: header of the notification e-mail.

Component: plugin/git (5 matches)

Ticket Release Notes

Trac now features built-in support for the ​Git version control system


Properly terminate git subprocesses (fix Python 2.5 incompatibilities and Windows specific issues)


Support hidden "mergetag" field in git commits


More robust communication over pipe with git subprocesses


Proper error reporting for git repositories with invalid path.

Component: query system (1 match)

Ticket Release Notes

Wrap content of code blocks in order to avoid truncation on screen and on print

Component: rendering (3 matches)

Ticket Release Notes

If Pygments support is enabled, all mimetypes supported by Pygments become automatically known to Trac


Phased out the SilverCity-based highlighter by moving it to tracopt.


Mimetype associations can now be extended or overriden by regexps.

Component: report system (5 matches)

Ticket Release Notes

ticket: Added the format "progress" to the [[TicketQuery()]] macro to display progress bars.


CSV data exports uses UTF-8 BOM for better interoperability


Reports: nicer looking list of reports, with direct link for going back to last query


In TracReports, add special column __class__ for defining zero or more space-separated CSS class names to be set on the <tr> element of the current row


TracReports using __group__ feature can now be sorted interactively

Component: roadmap (2 matches)

Ticket Release Notes

Added i18n date and time feature


Added Previous Milestone / Back to Roadmap / Next Milestone navigation links onto milestone pages.

Component: ticket system (9 matches)

Ticket Release Notes

Added TracBatchModify functionality


Improved the handling of ticket edit conflicts, by showing simultaneous edits and conflicting changes, and making it easier to merge the changes.


Move the ticket number, status and type in the ticket box itself.


Added Comments only filter in the Ticket Change History preferences, to hide field changes from the history and even exclude entries without a comment


Ticket comments can now be displayed threaded (requires javascript)


ticket: Added [[Workflow()]] macro to visualize ticket workflows.


When creating a new ticket, only show the preview after the first modification.


TracTicketsCustomFields support two new formats for text fields, reference (query-able value) and list (list of query-able values, like keywords)


In the ticket title, the status/type/resolution fields are also query links.

Component: timeline (2 matches)

Ticket Release Notes

Collapsed changesets in timeline won't show duplicated modified file entries.


Wrap long lists of ticket ids (e.g. in the timeline for batch modification events)

Component: version control (3 matches)

Ticket Release Notes

Added a visualization of the revision graph in the revision log.


Timeline: the changesets entries display their associated tags, if any


Subversion support code is now clearly identified as being optional.

Component: version control/browser (2 matches)

Ticket Release Notes

Repository browser now includes a download link for files and folders.


Added an input in the source browser to view the diff against another revision.

Component: version control/log view (1 match)

Ticket Release Notes

In TracRevisionLog and TracBrowser, show the name of the current branch

Component: web frontend (1 match)

Ticket Release Notes

Refresh the default theme to take advantage of a few CSS3 features.

Component: web frontend/tracd (3 matches)

Ticket Release Notes

Added options to tracd to drop privileges.


tracd: basic authentication now supports SHA1 passwords


tracd: Report failure to listen on a socket

Component: wiki system (9 matches)

Ticket Release Notes

TitleIndex macro supports new exclude and include arguments


Some Wiki macros now produce markup even when used in "inline" context.


Wiki page deletion confirmation page has more detailed information about what's going to be deleted.


wiki: Added a #!rtl wiki processor to simplify the insertion of RTL text blocks.


wiki: Allowed removing the numbering in the [[PageOutline]] macro output in inline style.


wiki: Simplified reverting of a wiki page to an older version.


RecentChanges can produce a simple list with group=none (default is group=date, pre-1.0 behavior of grouping by day)


default style for inline code adopted the Trac Hacks color and has now a gray background


The Image wiki macro is robust w.r.t. Zero-width whitespace unicode characters (as can be found after copy/paste of attachment names from the Trac pages)

Web front-end

fcgi and flup

Trac uses its own private copy of an old version of flup, which works well for basic needs.

More demanding setups may want to use a more recent flup version, notably to benefit from its thread pool.

Now Trac detects and uses the installed version of flup, and only falls back to its own version if flup is not installed.

See #9111 for details


  • This release requires a database upgrade when upgrading from the 0.12.x series:
    trac-admin $TRAC_ENV upgrade
  • PySqlite 1.1.x is no longer supported; use PySqlite 2 (requires version ≥ 2.5.5 or < 2.5.2, see #9434 for details)

Developer-visible changes

A detailed view of the API changes since 0.12.x can be found in TracDev/ApiChanges/1.0.


Many thanks to the growing number of people who have, and continue to, support the project. Also our thanks to all people providing feedback and bug reports that helps us making Trac better, easier to use and more effective.

Without your invaluable help, Trac would not evolve. Thank you all.

Finally, we offer hope that Trac will prove itself useful to like-minded programmers around the world, and that this release will prove an improvement over the last version.

Please let us know. :-)

The TracTeam http://trac.edgewall.org

Note: See TracWiki for help on using the wiki.