= Proposal for translation of configurable labels == The Problem We have translatable messages since Trac-0.12, even extended the i18n system towards configuration option doc-strings. But we're still missing translations in some rather prominent places. == Currently untranslatable items This is a list of items, that can't be localized yet (including related tickets): * Enum * ticket properties: * status (see configurable ticket workflow below) * priority * serverity * milestone (see below) * customized labels for standard fields (see #6249) * milestone label, used in tickets too * component name, used in tickets too * configurable ticket workflow * action name (see #9472) * ticket status, used in tickets and timeline as well, `new` and `closed` even hard-coded in ticket system code, including reports and custom queries (see #9799) * timeline * ticket changes (related to ticket status from work-flow above, see #5441) * FIXME: more? == A possible solution The following rough sketch of a suitable translation work-flow sprung from discussion on IRC tonight (25-Oct-2012): * `$> trac-admin extract_custom_messages` a. produces a new file `env/htdocs/locale/trac_custom.pot` or b. updates an existing one * use similar standard procedures for PO files (more `trac-admin` commands here) * create new message catalogs for a language * update one/all existing messages catalogs * use standard procedures to edit message catalogs === Implementation details The aforementioned work-flow implies, that custom message cataloges are rather volatile. But recompilation on Trac environment load should be avoided, because this could be rather time-consuming. So it must be possible to pre-compile them, i.e. with yet another `trac-admin` command. === Wishlist (Order should matter) * auto-generated TRANSLATOR hints like `# ini:ticket-workflow` or `# enum:priority` * include a ''basic common'' set of typical terms, like work-flow action names from default ticket work-flow * detect changes, to remind for recompilation, if pending changes are detected, but PO (clear-text) and MO (compiled) message catalog files change time must be tracked like done for `trac.ini` to make this happen