= Developer setup for Trac = This tutorial assumes you have SVN installed. If you don't have SVN installed please go to the [http://subversion.tigris.org/ Subversion] website and follow the directions of installation there. == Where to go for more information == It is also a good idea to review a couple of documents before attempting to install a development environment or even to install from the trunk. One such place (currently) is to review the [/roadmap milestones] page(s) to see if there are any specific requirements for the version you are setting up. Specifically, for version 0.12 (the current trunk), you need to use a recent trunk version of Genshi ([G1072] or later). See milestone:0.12 for more information. The (automated) tests will require additional packages that may or may not be installed with your OS/Python distribution. * For unit test, please review [../UnitTests] * For the functional test, please review [../FunctionalTests] == Setting up the environment == Before we begin to develop in Trac, or even download Trac code, first create a standalone environment. Note: if you planning to develop using Eclipse you should also check [wiki:TracDev/DevelopmentWithEclipseAndPyDev Development with Eclipse and PyDev]. === Create a working directory === No matter my operating system, I like to create a projects or working directory for my development efforts. So for example on some systems, I might have: {{{ /Users/myname/projects }}} On Windows I would have: {{{ c:\projects }}} '''Note:''' I don't create a directory called 'trac' yet. That comes later! In the meantime, cd (change directory) to your projects directory. === Get easy_install === You may already have easy_install if you have "setuptools" installed. Just make sure its version is >= 0.6c10. Previous versions do not work correctly with SVN 1.6. Otherwise go to [http://peak.telecommunity.com/DevCenter/EasyInstall#installing-easy-install installing-easy-install] and follow the instructions there. However, most of the time you just take the text at [http://peak.telecommunity.com/dist/ez_setup.py ez_setup.py], save it as ez_setup.py on your hard drive, then from the command-line prompt type: {{{ python ez_setup.py }}} === Get virtual env === From the command-line prompt type: {{{ sudo python -m easy_install virtualenv }}} === Set up a virtual environment === From the command-line prompt type: {{{ virtualenv trac cd trac source bin/activate }}} or for Windows {{{ python -m virtualenv trac cd trac cmd /k Scripts\activate.bat }}} If you have trac installed in /usr/lib or /usr/local/lib, make sure to run the above virtualenv command with --no-site-packages. You'll see your command-line prompt has changed. That means our environment is ready for Trac. == Installing and configuring Trac == === Downloading trac === From the command-line prompt: {{{ svn co http://svn.edgewall.org/repos/trac/trunk/ trac-trunk svn co http://svn.edgewall.org/repos/genshi/trunk/ genshi-trunk cd genshi-trunk python setup.py develop cd ../trac-trunk python setup.py develop cd .. }}} === Creating your test trac environment === From the command-line prompt: {{{ trac-admin test initenv }}} '''note:''' Press return for every option. === Make anonymous users have full access === {{{ trac-admin test permission add anonymous TRAC_ADMIN }}} '''note:''' Don't do this in production! === Installing the trackdeveloperplugin === From the command-line prompt: {{{ svn co http://trac-hacks.org/svn/tracdeveloperplugin/trunk/ tracdeveloperplugin cd tracdeveloperplugin python setup.py bdist_egg cp dist/*.egg ../test/plugins cd .. }}} === Starting trac in development mode === From the command-line prompt: {{{ tracd -r --port 8000 test }}} '''Note''': The -r command puts Trac into refresh mode so your code changes will show up quickly. See also the [TracIni#trac-section auto_reload] trac.ini flag which should be used for the changes in Genshi templates to be picked-up as well. === Web stuff === Switch to your browser and go to this URL: Now lets follow a few more steps * Go to web admin * Hit the admin link * Logging - Set type to console - level to debug === Alternative frontend: mod_python === Virtualenv can also be used with Apache and mod_python, but as mod_python will be a system install it will not be aware of the virutalenv without some configuration. For development this is useful as one Apache can serve various development versions in a more permanent way. This method will use the system Python, but will add the libraries from the virtualenv. '''Step 1:''' Make a new frontend script that for instance can be stored in the virtualenv 'bin' directory. {{{ #!python #myvirtualtrac.py import os import site site.addsitedir('/path/to/my/virtualenv/lib/python2.4/site-packages') from trac.web.modpython_frontend import handler }}} '''Step 2:''' Update Apache config to use this script - add or update options according to the default mod_python setup like for instance found in TracModPython. {{{ # Extend the path so Apache will find your script on path PythonPath "['/path/to/my/virtualenv/bin'] + sys.path" # Make mod_python use new frontend instead of trac.web.modpython_frontend PythonHandler myvirtualtrac }}} === Alternative frontend: mod_wsgi === Using Apache, mod_wsgi is a very good alternative to mod_python. Setting this up follows the same pattern, but for development escpecially there is one major advantage: It can quite easily be set up to auto-reload on code changes. '''Step 1:''' Update a default TracModWsgi setup to make a deamonised process, and as of mod_wsgi 2.0 (this setup depends on >= 2.0) there is built-in support for custom paths and similar. Example of a full `VirtualHost` configuration: {{{ ServerName virtualtrac.local # Update user and group to be whatever on your system is intended to run the deamon # Update the paths to point to virtualenv site-packages (for trac+++) and bin (for script) WSGIDaemonProcess virtualtrac user=www group=www threads=25 python-path=/path/to/my/virtualenv/lib/python2.4/site-packages:/path/to/my/virtualenv/bin WSGIScriptAlias / /path/to/my/virtualenv/bin/virtualtrac.wsgi WSGIReloadMechanism Process WSGIProcessGroup virtualtrac WSGIApplicationGroup %{SERVER} Order deny,allow Allow from all # Authentication # Note: Change settings with regards to auth method, paths and domain AuthType Digest AuthName "virtualtrac" AuthDigestDomain /trac http://virtualtrac.local AuthDigestProvider file AuthUserFile /path/to/access.htdigest Require valid-user }}} '''Step 2:''' Go to http://code.google.com/p/modwsgi/wiki/ReloadingSourceCode and save the long Python script that follows the text 'Example code for such an automatic restart mechanism...'. Save it as `/path/to/my/virtualenv/bin/monitor.py` '''Step 3:''' A basic WSGI frontend script, save as `/path/to/my/virtualenv/bin/virtualtrac.wsgi` {{{ #!python import sys sys.stdout = sys.stderr import os os.environ['TRAC_ENV_DIR'] = "/path/to/trac/project" # or, alternatively for multiple projects #os.environ['TRAC_ENV_PARENT_DIR'] = "/parent/path/to/many/projects" os.environ['PYTHON_EGG_CACHE'] = '/path/to/a/temp/to/cache/eggs' import trac.web.main import monitor monitor.start(interval=1.0) # Additionally monitor easy-install.pth to restart whenever installs are done monitor.track('/path/to/my/virtualenv/lib/python2.4/site-packages/easy-install.pth') application = trac.web.main.dispatch_request }}}