= Automatic builds = For official build status, see the [http://buildbot.timhatch.com/trac/waterfall Trac Buildbot]. If you would like to contribute a builder, contact us on IrcChannel or MailingList. == Build configurations == The following build configurations are currently set up: ||'''Name'''||'''OS'''||'''Python'''||'''Database'''||'''SVN bindings'''||'''Build slave provider'''||'''Comment'''|| ||Ubuntu||Ubuntu 9.04 amd64||2.4-2.6||SQLite||1.5.4||TimHatch|| || ||OS X||OS X 10.5.6||2.4-2.6||SQLite||???||TimHatch||Stock py25, py24/26 from python.org|| ||FreeBSD||FreeBSD 7.2 amd64||2.5-2.6||SQLite||1.6.6||TimHatch||Testing odd genshi + lxml|| ||win7||Windows 7 32-bit||2.6||SQLite||???||TimHatch||[http://bugs.python.org/issue6906 Python issue 6906]|| This Trac instance would normally be coordinating automatic builds of Trac through a [http://bitten.edgewall.org Bitten] build master. This caused unusually high database load, so is currently disabled. {{{ #!comment This Trac instance coordinates automatic builds of Trac for various configuration variants through a [http://bitten.edgewall.org Bitten] build master. == Build configurations == The following build configurations are currently set up: ||'''Name'''||'''OS'''||'''Python'''||'''Database'''||'''SVN bindings'''||'''Build slave provider'''||'''Comment'''|| ||`darwin-py23`||OS X 10.5 (x86)||2.3||SQLite||1.6.5||RemyBlank||Only for 0.11-stable|| ||`darwin-py25`||OS X 10.5 (x86)||2.5||SQLite||1.6.5||RemyBlank|| || ||`darwin-py25-pg`||OS X 10.5 (x86)||2.5||PostgreSQL 8.3||1.6.5||RemyBlank|| || ||`darwin-py25-my`||OS X 10.5 (x86)||2.5||MySQL 5.0||1.6.5||RemyBlank|| || ||`linux-py24`||Linux 2.6.27 (x86)||2.4||SQLite||1.5.1||JonasBorgstrom|| || ||`linux-py25`||Linux 2.6.27 (x86)||2.5||SQLite||1.5.1||JonasBorgstrom|| || ||`linux-py26`||Linux 2.6.27 (x86)||2.6||SQLite||1.5.1||JonasBorgstrom|| || ||`windows-py25`||Windows XP Pro (x86)||2.5||SQLite||1.5.6||RemyBlank|| || == Desired build configurations == Please add desired build configurations in the table below, and indicate why you feel they should be tested. Also indicate if you are willing to run build slaves for any of the configurations. ||'''Name'''||'''OS'''||'''Python'''||'''Database'''||'''SVN bindings'''||'''Build slave provider'''||'''Comment'''|| ||`darwin-py26`||OS X 10.5||2.6||SQLite|| ||EmmanuelBlot||to get ready for !SnowLeopard|| == Comments == eblot:: It may be useful to add the CPU type and the SVN binding version. }}}