Edgewall Software

Version 16 (modified by Christian Boos, 12 years ago) ( diff )

updated for 0.12.4, 1.0, 1.0-stable and trunk (use a table now)

Trac API Documentation

The code is the authoritative source of documentation, and most classes and methods have a corresponding Python "doc string".

View the documentation

Besides the TracBrowser and looking directly at the code, you can also read the generated API documentation, which shows the public API in a nicely organized and rendered way:

Line of development

Sphinx documentation (apidoc)

Epydoc (apiref)

Trac 1.1.x (trunk) trunk trunk trunk
Trac 1.0 1.0 | 1.0-stable 1.0 | 1.0-stable 1.0 | 1.0-stable
Trac 0.12 0.12 | 0.12.1 | 0.12.2 | 0.12.3 | 0.12.4 | 0.12-stable
Trac 0.11 0.11.7

(in italic: corresponds to the latest revision on the branch)

Full API reference, generated using epydoc.
With epydoc, the entirety of the API is covered, but we have less control over the generated output, as it only shows what's present in the source code. The documentation is a bit more "dry" and feels, well, … auto-generated.
Semi-automatic API documentation, generated using Sphinx.
This contrasts with the above, as in Sphinx we have fine-grained control over the generated documentation and the order in which it appears. We've also written additional explanations and examples not present in the code. Therefore, this documentation "reads" better than the purely auto-generated manual. The downside is that we don't have yet full coverage of the API. (work in progress)

For now, the two sets of documentations are complementary. One day the Sphinx documentation will be complete and sufficient, at which point we'll probably drop the epydoc part (besides, epydoc itself doesn't seem to be maintained anymore).

Note that as Trac 0.11 and 0.12 were not really prepared for being processed, the quality of the generated documentation is all but perfect. It's not that the one for 1.0 is, but starting from there, we're actively working on it.

Generating the documentation

Epydoc — make apiref

Once you have installed epydoc, all you need to do is to go to your Trac trunk checkout and do:

$ make apiref

This will generate the epydoc documentation in ./build/doc/epydoc (start with the index.html page).

Note that while installing epydoc with easy_install might work on Linux (not tested), on Windows you should rather download and execute the Windows installer.

Sphinx — make apidoc

Once you have installed sphinx, go to your Trac 1.0-stable or trunk checkout and do:

$ make apidoc-html

This will generate the Sphinx documentation in ./build/doc/html (start with the index.html page).

You can also generate a PDF document using rst2pdf:

$ make apidoc-pdf

This will generate the ./build/doc/pdf/trac_dev.pdf file.

Alternatively you can invoke make apidoc to get both.

Sphinx is a no brainer easy_install sphinx installation, which will get you the appropriate dependencies (docutils and jinja2).

Same goes for easy_install rst2pdf.

Verifying the completeness of the documentation — checkapidoc.py

Note that we also have a help script for checking whether a documented .rst module below source:trunk/doc/api contains all the symbols that need to be documented.

For example:

$ PYTHONPATH=. python doc/utils/checkapidoc.py trac_wiki_api

will check if all public and documented symbols from source:trunk/trac/wiki/api.py are referenced in source:trunk/doc/api/trac_wiki_api.rst.

$ PYTHONPATH=. python doc/utils/checkapidoc.py trac_wiki_api
Warning: trac.wiki.api doesn't define __all__, using exported symbols.
 * ..   autofunction :: validate_page_name

Explaining the output:

Warning: trac.wiki.api doesn't define __all__, using exported symbols. means that in the absence of an explicit list of public symbols, we try to guess what needs to be documented by looking at the globals of that module which have a docstring.

* .. autofunction :: validate_page_name corresponds to a function in api.py which has a docstring but is not yet present in trac_wiki_api.rst.

Note that when __all__ is specified, we also consider that listed symbols which don't have yet a docstring should also be documented.

A symbol can be explicitly declared to be unwanted in the Sphinx documentation by listing it in the global __no_apidoc__ property of its defining module.

There's also a verbose mode -v for showing all the symbols found:

$ PYTHONPATH=. python doc/utils/checkapidoc.py trac_wiki_api -v
== Checking trac_wiki_api.rst ...
Warning: trac.wiki.api doesn't define __all__, using exported symbols.
 - OK      autoclass :: IWikiChangeListener
 - OK      autoclass :: IWikiMacroProvider
 - OK      autoclass :: IWikiPageManipulator
 - OK      autoclass :: IWikiSyntaxProvider
 - OK      autoclass :: WikiSystem
 - OK   autofunction :: parse_args
 * ..   autofunction :: validate_page_name
Note: See TracWiki for help on using the wiki.