{{{#!div style="float: right; margin: 0 1em" ← [../1.0] | [../1.1.2] → }}} = Documenting API changes since 1.0.x = {{{#!box info The next stable version of Trac will be named 1.2 and will contain the cumulative changes made in the successive 1.1.x releases. These notes reflect the current status for [milestone:1.1.1], in [source:trunk]. Proposed changes are prefixed with an OPEN mark and the //paragraph is written in italics.// }}} [[PageOutline(2-4,Summary,inline)]] == Prerequisites == OPEN //Python 2.5 support has been dropped. Only Python versions 2.6 and 2.7 are supported.// === Modified Dependencies === ==== jQuery and jQuery UI (bundled) OPEN //The bundled version of [http://jquery.com jQuery] is now 1.x.y instead of 1.7.2 in Trac 1.0-stable.// See jQuery release notes for the corresponding major updates [http://blog.jquery.com/2012/08/09/jquery-1-8-released/ 1.8]. OPEN // The bundled version of the full minified [http://jqueryui.com jQuery UI] package is now [http://jqueryui.com/docs/Changelog/1.8.X 1.8.x] instead of [http://jqueryui.com/docs/Changelog/1.8.21 1.8.21] in Trac 1.0-stable. // ==== Babel (optional) OPEN // The internationalization support (i18) for Trac is depending on [http://babel.edgewall.org/ Babel], version 1.0. // ==== Genshi (mandatory) OPEN * // '''Genshi 0.7''' // * // '''Genshi 0.6.x''' is still supported(?) // === New Dependencies === None! == Detailed List of Developer Visible Changes #list [[TicketQuery(milestone=1.1.1,status=closed,apichanges!=,col=summary,rows=apichanges,group=component,format=table)]] == Other Modifications made to the 1.0 API == {{{#!comment === Modified Interfaces === ==== `I...` ^[source:trunk/trac/.../api.py@rev:highlighted-linenum#Lnum (1.0)] [source:branches/0.12-stable/trac/.../api.py@rev:rev:highlighted-linenum#Lnum (0.12)]^ ==== #I...r ... }}} === Database API Changes === ==== `Environment.get_db_cnx` has been removed #get_db_cnx OPEN // Following the [../0.12#get_db_cnx deprecation] made in 0.12, using `Environment.get_db_cnx` for obtaining a database connection has now been removed. // One should now only use the //context managers// for retrieving a database Connection in read or write mode. - a **read-only** Connection can be used to form queries: {{{#!python with env.db_query as db: ... }}} a `db` instance obtained the above way should only be used for executing //SELECT// queries - a **writable** Connection can be used to modify the database content in a transaction: {{{#!python with env.db_transaction as db: ... }}} a `db` instance obtained the above way can be used to execute //INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE// queries; they will be committed when the last such automatic transaction in the control flow completes successfully. See DatabaseApi for the full details. ==== `Environment.db_query()` and `Environment.db_transaction()` ^[source:trunk/trac/env.py@#Lnum (1.0)]^ ==== #with_transaction OPEN // The `@with_transaction(env)` / `@env.with_transaction()` decorators introduced in 0.12 which have been deprecated in Trac 1.0 have been removed as well. // == New in the 1.1.1 API == Be sure to have a look at the new ApiDocs ([http://www.edgewall.org/docs/trac-trunk/html/ for latest trunk]). //This is a work in progress - coverage is still not yet complete.// {{{#!comment === New Classes === ==== `trac.x.y.ClassName` ^[source:trunk/trac/x/y.py@#Lnum (1.0)]^ ==== #ClassName ... === New Interfaces === ==== `trac.x.y.IClassName` ^[source:trunk/trac/x/y.py@#Lnum (1.0)]^ ==== #IClassName === Other news === }}}