Edgewall Software

Changes between Version 13 and Version 14 of TracCrossReferences

Aug 4, 2018, 9:43:40 AM (6 years ago)



  • TracCrossReferences

    v13 v14  
    12 As Trac is more than a wiki, its backlinks are of a more complex nature than traditional backlinks. Therefore the term  '''cross-references''' will be used in favor of backlinks.
     12As Trac is more than a wiki, its backlinks are of a more complex nature than traditional backlinks. Therefore the term '''cross-references''' will be used in favor of backlinks.
    1414A cross-reference is a link from a Trac object (the '''source''') to another Trac object (the '''target''').
    4646However, in the cross-references listing, for each backlink, Trac will also show an excerpt of the source Wiki text containing the link, so that the implicit semantic can be easily guessed.
    48 Those relations can be used to fulfil many needs. The ticket dependencies and other ticket relationships are one example (see #886). The `tag` feature, which could be reimplemented on top of relations, is another.
     48Those relations can be used to fulfill many needs. The ticket dependencies and other ticket relationships are one example (see #886). The `tag` feature, which could be reimplemented on top of relations, is another.
    5050== Displaying Cross-References
    5858This should be the normal way to create explicit relations. For example, the ticket form could be extended to include a '''duplicate of''' field, activated when the resolution type is set to '''duplicate''' (see #1395).
    5959The content of that field would be a facet for the ticket and any reference found in the facet will create a specific
    60 '''duplicate-of''' relation, with the ticket as a source and  the reference as a target.
     60'''duplicate-of''' relation, with the ticket as a source and the reference as a target.
    6262=== Wiki Syntax for Explicit Relations
    104104   * `<<depends-on #123>>` all the objects that depend on the ticket !#123
    105105   * Special object patterns: "." and "%"
    106      * `<<depends-on .>>`  all the objects that depend on the current object
     106     * `<<depends-on .>>` all the objects that depend on the current object
    107107     * `<<depends-on>>` same as above, "." is the target if none given
    108108     * `<<tag CS103/%>>` all the objects having a tag which name starts with `CS103`