= Change Log = This is a rough list of changes between released versions. It's a copy of the included changelog (source:trunk/ChangeLog#latest). To see where Trac is going in future releases, see the RoadMap. == 0.6.1 '245 Trioxin' == * Duplication of empty lines on Windows should no longer happen. * RSS now escapes entities in summary. * Search results won't highlight dates anymore. * RPM for SuSE Linux. * Preliminary executable Windows Installer. * More documentation. * Fixed bugs: #163, #165, #189, #198, #200, #206, #209, #214, #223, #244 == 0.6 'Solanum' == * View diffs between wiki page edits. * Improved [http://projects.edgewall.com/trac/search/ Search module]. * Support for tables in the wiki. (Thanks to Stephen Hansen) * Colored reports. Use colors to show priority, etc. * Support for custom wiki processor macros. (See TracReports) * reStructuredText markup support (See WikiRestructuredText) * HTML markup support (See WikiHtml) * Report groups. Group results by a column. * Multi-line report rows. * Download report in CSV (Comma Separated Value) and tab-separated format * RSS 2.0 content syndication support in Timeline, Reports and Log. * Better, locale-based date and time formatting. * Wiki RecentChanges support. * Overall usability, consistency and cosmetic improvements. * More documentation. See also, report {8} for a detailed list of issues resolved since 0.5.2 ---- == 0.5.2 == * Performance improvements. * Better unicode support in commit-messages. * TRAC_ADMIN is now a real "meta-permission" containing all other permissions. * Wiki-links of the svn:/path format can now also link to directories. * Handle subversion changesets without any "author" specified. * "view" checkboxes in the timeline view now reflect the current state. * The subversion repository is now indexed by "svnadmin initdb" instead of trac.cgi at first execution. * Most of the inline css is removed. * IE6 navbar problem fixed. * Fixed bugs: #69, #73, #77, #78, #79, #80, #84, #85, #86, #89, #90,#91, #93, #97, == 0.5.1 == * Navbar now works properly on error pages. * Cleaned up source code. Removed ugly tabs. * Added missing COPYING, AUTHORS etc. Cleaned up package. * trac-admin now works with python 2.1. * Fixed bugs: #74, #75, #76, #77. * 0.5.1: Minor Release. == 0.5 == * 0.5: First release.