= Trac Books = == Managing Software Development with Trac and Subversion == {{{ #!html Trac and Subversion }}} * '''Publisher''' Packt Publishing * '''Language''' English * '''Paperback''' 120 pages [191mm x 235mm] * '''Release''' date Expected December 2007 * '''ISBN''' 1847191665 * '''ISBN''' 13 978-1-847191-66-3 * '''Author''' David J Murphy {{{ #!html
}}} Software development - especially for small teams & projects - often ends up unmanaged and suffering from the ever present problem of feature creep. This book presents a simple set of processes and practices that allow you to manage these projects without getting in the way. This book looks at what is needed to manage software development projects, how Trac and Subversion meets these needs, and how to install, configure and use them. [http://www.packtpub.com/managing-software-development-with-trac-and-subversion/book Buy online]. == Software Documentation with Trac == Read an excerpt from the book about how Trac can be used for the purpose of documentation. ''The secret of creating good documentation is to make the process of doing so as painless as possible, and if we are lucky maybe even attractive, to the developers. The only practical way to achieve that is to reduce friction. The last thing we need when we are in middle of fixing a bug is to wrestle with our word processor, or even worse try to find the right document to update.'' ''One of the reasons Trac works so well for managing software development is because it is browser based. Apart from our development environment, the browser, along with our email client, are the next most likely applications we are going to have installed and running on our computer. If access to our Trac environment is only a click away, it stands to reason that we are more likely to use it.'' [http://www.packtpub.com/article/software-documentation-with-trac You can read more here]. == 入門Trac with Subversion―Linux/Windows対応 == {{{ #!html Trac and Subversion }}} * '''Publisher''' 秀和システム (SHUWA SYSTEM CO.,LTD) * '''Language''' 日本語 (Japanese) * '''Release''' 5月2008 (May 2008) * '''ISBN''' 4798019615 * '''ISBN''' 13 978-4-7980-1961-1 * '''Author''' 高山 恭介 (Kyousuke TAKAYAMA) {{{ #!html
}}} 業務の見える化を促し、開発現場のコミュニケーションツールとなる、プロジェクト管理ソフト兼バグトラッキングシステム「Trac」の解説書です。Tracは、知的生産の現場で、情報を適切に整理・整頓し、必要なときに必要な情報を取り出すための仕組みを提供してくれます。本書では、Tracとバージョン管理システム「Subversion」を連携させて、Webで手軽にプロジェクト管理を行なう方法を解説。インストールから基本操作、運用、トラブル対策まで詳しく説明しているので、プロジェクト管理の経験のない方でも、管理手法がわかります。なお、Subversionの使い方を知りたい人には既刊「入門Subversion Windows/Linux対応」がおすすめです。 [http://www.shuwasystem.co.jp/products/7980html/1961.html Buy online] ---- See also: AboutTrac, TracGuide