= TracAdmin = [[TracGuideToc]] Trac is distributed with a powerful command-line configuration tool. This tool can be used to configure and customize your Trac-installation to better fit your needs. Some of those operations can also be performed via the web interface thanks to the optional [http://trac.edgewall.org/wiki/WebAdmin WebAdmin] plugin, distributed separately for 0.10 (it's part of Trac proper starting with Trac 0.11). == Usage == You can get a comprehensive list of the available options, commands and sub-commands by invoking `trac-admin` with the `help` command:. {{{ trac-admin help }}} Unless you're executing the `help`, `about` or `version` sub-commands, you'll need to specify the path to the TracEnvironment that you want to administer as the first argument, for example: {{{ trac-admin /path/to/projenv wiki list }}} == Interactive Mode == When passing the environment path as the only argument, `trac-admin` starts in interactive mode. Commands can then be executed on the selected environment using the prompt, which offers tab-completion (on non-Windows environments, and when the Python `readline` module is available) and automatic repetition of the last command issued. Once you're in interactive mode, you can also get help on specific commands or subsets of commands: For example, to get an explanation of the `resync` command, run: {{{ > help resync }}} To get help on a all the Wiki-related commands, run: {{{ > help wiki }}} == Full Command Reference == [[TracAdminHelp()]] ---- See also: TracGuide, TracBackup, TracPermissions, TracEnvironment, TracIni, TracMigrate