= The Processor Bazaar = Looking for fresh wiki processor goodness for your Trac installation? Have you written a clever wiki-processor you're dying to share with the world? This is the place. The wiki-processor bazaar is for sharing information about user-developed processors and links to source code and requests. '''Note:''' ''Please state your name, email, and version of Trac your wiki-processor is developed for.'' == How to use these wiki-processors: == * Just put the files into the {{{wikimacros}}} directory of your Python installation, e.g. {{{/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/trac/wikimacros}}}. The macros will then be available for all your Trac environments. * Alternatively, put the files into the {{{wiki-macros}}} directory of your Trac environment, e.g. {{{/data/trac/wiki-macros}}}. The macros will be available only for this environment. ---- === LegendBox === A wiki-processor for encapsulating wiki text inside a box. The box will have a legend and a modifiable color. To use this, simply place it into wikimacro directory and use it. Example: {{{ {{{ #!LegendBox #!color: blue #!legend: My Title Here comes the actual text that will be inside the box. You can even use wiki-formatting in here. }}} }}} You can modify the default ''COLOR'' and ''LEGEND'' and the ''STYLE'' in the plugin file. [[BR]]''Download:'' http://projects.edgewall.com/trac/attachment/wiki/ProcessorBazaar/LegendBox.py [[BR]]''By:'' Jan Finell (finell at cenix-bioscience.com) [[BR]]''Required ver:'' > 0.8pre (though changing the import of the ''wiki_to_html'' function will make it work on older versions) ---- See also: WikiProcessors, MacroBazaar