= The Processor Bazaar = Looking for fresh wiki processor goodness for your Trac installation? Have you written a clever wiki-processor you're dying to share with the world? This is the place. The wiki-processor bazaar is for sharing information about user-developed processors and links to source code and requests. '''Note:''' ''Please state your name, email, and version of Trac your wiki-processor is developed for.'' == How to use these wiki-processors: == * Just put the files into the {{{wikimacros}}} directory of your Python installation, e.g. {{{/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/trac/wikimacros}}}. The macros will then be available for all your Trac environments. * Alternatively, put the files into the {{{wiki-macros}}} directory of your Trac environment, e.g. {{{/data/trac/wiki-macros}}}. The macros will be available only for this environment. ---- === LegendBox === A wiki-processor for encapsulating wiki text inside a box. The box will have a legend and a modifiable color. To use this, simply place it into wikimacro directory and use it. Example: {{{ {{{ #!LegendBox #!color: blue #!legend: My Title Here comes the actual text that will be inside the box. You can even use wiki-formatting in here. }}} }}} You can modify the default ''COLOR'' and ''LEGEND'' and the ''STYLE'' in the plugin file. [[BR]]''Download:'' http://projects.edgewall.com/trac/attachment/wiki/ProcessorBazaar/LegendBox.py [[BR]]''By:'' Jan Finell (finell at cenix-bioscience.com) [[BR]]''Required ver:'' > 0.8pre (though changing the import of the ''wiki_to_html'' function will make it work on older versions) ---- === Striped === A Trac wiki-processor to display text as a striped listing. The output is enclosed in a {{{
}}} block of class "striped",
and each line in a {{{
}}} block of alternating "even-stripe" and "odd-stripe" classes. You '''must''' set this classes up in your {{{templates/site_css.cs}}} file, or alternatively use the processor arguments "box-style", "even-style" and "odd-style". The "number" argument allows automatic numbering of lines; it accepts three args: a Python-style format (quotes and all), the initial number for the first line, and the step between numbers. If no format is passed, there is no automatic numbering; otherwise, the start and step arguments default to 1. Example: {{{ {{{ #!Striped #!number: " %3d ", 100, 10 #!box-style: border: thick solid #C0C0C0; margin: 20px; width: 70%; #!even-style: background-color: #DAC0DA; ...text here... }}} }}} (A lot of ideas and syntax for arguments shamelessly stolen from previous entry by Jan Finell. Thanks!) [[BR]] [[BR]]''Download:'' http://projects.edgewall.com/trac/attachment/wiki/ProcessorBazaar/Striped.py [[BR]]''By:'' Juanma Barranquero (lekktu at gmail.com) [[BR]]''Tested on:'' 0.8 (should work on previous versions, though) ---- === DocBook === A [http://docbook.org/ DocBook] WikiProcessor. Requires: * libxml2-python (developed with version 2.6.11) * libxslt-python (developed with version 1.1.8) Specify "stylesheet" under the "docbook" section in your trac.ini, for example: {{{ [docbook] stylesheet = /usr/share/xml/docbook/stylesheet/nwalsh/xhtml/docbook.xsl }}} Include DocBook mark-up in a wiki blockquote, with the docbook processor selected: {{{ {{{ #!docbook ...DocBook mark-up here... }}} }}} [[BR]]''Download:'' http://projects.edgewall.com/trac/attachment/wiki/ProcessorBazaar/docbook.py [[BR]]''By:'' Simon Ward [[BR]]''Version:'' >= 0.8 ---- === SortedTable === A WikiProcessor which sorts tables with JavaScript. Requires [http://www.kryogenix.org/code/browser/sorttable/sorttable.js sorttable.js] from http://www.kryogenix.org/code/browser/sorttable/ . Usage: 1. Fetch [http://www.kryogenix.org/code/browser/sorttable/sorttable.js sorttable.js] (see above) 1. Put the script somewhere on your HTTP server and set the variable sorttable_js_url in TracIni OR put the JavaScript file in the same directory as the Python file. 1. Use WikiProcessor syntax like {{{ {{{ #!sortedtable || Strings || Numbers || || abc || 2 || || def || 10 || || abd || 9 || }}} }}} Use the usual table syntax for wiki pages. 1. If the browser has JavaScript enabled, you will be able to sort the resulting table by clicking on the headings in the first row. [[BR]]''Download:'' http://www.sschwarzer.net/download/sortedtable.py [[BR]]''By:'' Stefan Schwarzer (sschwarzer at sschwarzer.net) [[BR]]''Version:'' >= 0.8 (tested with 0.8) ---- === IrcLog === A WikiProcessor that colourises IRC logs, based on [http://mg.pov.lt/irclog2html/ irclog2html.py]. To use, import the stylesheets in your {{{$TRAC_ENV/templates/site_css.cs}}} and mark-up your IRC text as follows: {{{ {{{ #!irclog ... }}} }}} It formats logs in the default format used by Xchat, as well as some others. [[BR]]''Download:'' http://mivok.net/~simon/projects/trac/irclog/ [[BR]]''By:'' Simon Ward [[BR]]''Version:'' >= 0.8 ---- See also: WikiProcessors, MacroBazaar