= The Macro Bazaar = Looking for fresh macro goodness for your Trac installation? Have you written a clever macro you're dying to share with the world? This is the place. The macro bazaar is for sharing information about user-developer macros, links to source code and requests. '''Note:''' ''Please state your name, email, and version of Trac your macro is developed for.'' === HelloWorld === A simple example macro. Distributed with Trac. [[BR]]''Download:'' source:trunk/trac/wikimacros/HelloWorld.py [[BR]]''By:'' TracTeam -- ''Ver:'' >0.5.2 === Timestamp === Inserts current date and time. Distributed with Trac. [[BR]]''Download:'' source:trunk/trac/wikimacros/Timestamp.py [[BR]]''By:'' TracTeam -- ''Ver:'' >0.5.2 === include === Inserts the output of an external URL. [[BR]]''Download:'' http://randomfoo.net/code/trac/include.py [[BR]]''By:'' lhl -- ''Ver:'' 0.7.1 ''Add your macro here ...'' ---- == Requests, misc == ''Requests, comments, etc go here.'' Simpler wiki markup as commonly used in emails, like * *bold* * /italics/ * lines starting with space render as code (preformatted text) ----------------- Markup for "Table of Contens" of the page (from headings) like Twiki.org has. ---------------- Comment plugin, to allow add comments to page without full edit. There are fancy comment plugins allowing custom formatting, but even plain text would improve usability a lot. Face it, many people are afraid to EDIT, but will add comments if it's simple. [http://twiki.med.yale.edu/twiki2/bin/view/Sandbox/TestComments Fancy example] [http://twiki.med.yale.edu/twiki2/bin/view/Sandbox/TestAfter Simple comments] ------- I'll gladly explain in more details and help you (using Twiki/perl, starting with Trac/python), email me: pmasiar1 (at) yahoo (dot) com -------- A !BackLinks feature would be useful, and is a requirement to use !WikiBadges, afaik ---- See also: WikiMacros, ProcessorBazaar