= GenericTrac Data Model = This page defines a new data model for Trac that should be suitable for manipulating and storing most of the data from resources, along with their change history. There are effectively two parts to this proposal: - the API level, how resource data is presented to the program - the storage level, how the resource data are stored on persistent memory The high level API is intended to unify and take the best aspects of the different model used so far (!WikiPage, Ticket, Milestone, etc.). Actually, only the Ticket is really flexible and nice, the others are just simpler and much more limited models, so it's rather an "embrace and extend" move from the Ticket model to the others... While the high level API tends to unify things, the low level API will be there to introduce some diversity in the storage, at best transparent to the "user" of the higher level API. Those different storage models could be different table layouts in the database, but also in the longer term, different or complementary storage backend. It would be more appropriate to keep the change history in a dedicated system, like a version control backend, even a [DistributedTrac distributed] one). The main benefits expected from the new API are: - simplification of the internals of Trac, especially for the ticket model, in which the storage of changes is quite cumbersome (see #454, #6466) - solve a few design problems with the current data model (like #1890, #4582) - allow better code reuse and sharing of the base features among different kinds of resources (like #695, #1113, and a lot more, see [#RelatedTickets] below) == Related Proposals == The idea is not new, it has its root in the TracObjectModelProposal, and was refined several times (TracDev/Proposals/DataModel, TracDev/Proposals/Journaling, and [googlegroups:trac-dev:8cf3f5fe0e476ce5 this mail]). As this will be a major redesign of the data model, it could also be a good opportunity to take the **MultipleProjectSupport** considerations into account (#11025). Somehow related to the generic data model, but not strictly depending on it, Trac should also make it possible to implement new kinds of plugins that would perform ''generic'' operations on Trac resources. This could allow the (re-)implementation of the TracCrossReferences idea as a plugin, for example. See #31, #886, #6543 and TracDev/Proposals/TracRelations. == Design Discussion == Requirements for the new model: 1. it has to be ''simple'' (//easy to understand, easy to code with, when looking at the raw data in the database one should be able to intuitively understand what it means//) 2. it must be ''flexible'' ((//accommodate different kinds of resources, allow for dynamic evolution like addition or removal of fields by plugin or via the web admin//) 3. it should remain ''fast'', if not become faster than what we currently have; 4. it should lead to a more ''compact'' representation of data 5. all the existing constraints about maintaining resource history and associated metadata should be taken into account Note that the persistence constraints imposed by the Trac data model are not necessarily only (or even best) approached using the RelationalModel, one could imagine that a future version could use more document-oriented persistence layers (e.g. [http://www.mongodb.org/ MongoDB]), or object-oriented databases (e.g. [http://www.zodb.org/ ZODB]). Also, as said above, the versioning of resources should be delegated to a version control backend, with a default, simple, in-database VCS backend. === The ticket data model === The ticket model is by far richer data model we would have to support, so we could use it as a basis to lay out the foundations of the new model. ==== Trac =< 1.1.3 model #legacy For ticket, we currently have a fixed set of properties (as columns in the `ticket` table) and a flexible set of properties (as prop/value columns in a `ticket_custom` table). Note that we'd like to get ''relations'' (or ''links'') as well, see #31. Let's examine the advantages and disadvantages of each different styles of properties storage: 1. properties stored in columns of a main table: - (-) only flexibility is to not use some fields (e.g. 'severity', 'url') - (-) no multiple values per field possible - (+) faster especially for multicriteria queries (?) - (+) straightforward code (`for field1,field2, ... in cursor: ...`) (?) 2. properties stored in prop/value columns of a generic table - (+) highest flexibility, add or remove fields at will - (+) allow for multiple values per property, provided we don't use a primary key as we currently do for the `ticket_custom` table (#918) - (+) a slight extension would allow ordered multiple values (sequences), otherwise we have no control over the order in which those multiple values are retrieved, which might introduce confusion as this order will vary when new values are added; while primarily useful for `int` fields, this could also be useful to implement `text` fields for Oracle (working around the limits on varchars and not having to use CLOBs) - (-) slower, less memory efficient, especially for multicriteria queries(?) - (-) more complex code (?) - (-) cannot use DB features to assure data integrity (not NULL constraints, foreign key constraints, etc.) - (-) very difficult to integrate against the database (e.g. import/export, analysis) (?) means ''yet to be verified'' The current ticket tables look like this (`.schema ticket` and `.schema ticket_custom` in SQLite): {{{#!sql CREATE TABLE ticket ( id integer PRIMARY KEY, type text, -- the nature of the ticket time integer, -- the time it was created changetime integer, component text, severity text, priority text, owner text, -- who is this ticket assigned to reporter text, cc text, -- email addresses to notify version text, -- milestone text, -- status text, resolution text, summary text, -- one-line summary description text, -- problem description (long) keywords text ); CREATE INDEX ticket_status_idx ON ticket (status); CREATE INDEX ticket_time_idx ON ticket (time); CREATE TABLE ticket_custom ( ticket integer, name text, value text, UNIQUE(ticket,name) ); }}} Such a flat table makes it hard to get 1-n associations, or this has to be faked somehow (cf. the cc and keywords). And for the "versioning" of ticket changes, we have (`.schema ticket_change`): {{{#!sql CREATE TABLE ticket_change ( ticket integer, time integer, author text, field text, oldvalue text, newvalue text, UNIQUE (ticket,time,field) ); CREATE INDEX ticket_change_ticket_idx ON ticket_change (ticket); CREATE INDEX ticket_change_time_idx ON ticket_change (time); }}} Squeezed in the above are the ticket comments, complete with "reply-to" information and their own versioning scheme ;-) ==== Refactored model The new model is heavily relational, as opposed to the earlier EAV-like approach (see [./Brainstorm#EAV]). We keep a ''primary'' table for the resource, for all 1-to-1 properties and relations (table named `Ticket` here). We now make systematic use of surrogate keys, to allow for efficient relations between resources. That key will however remain hidden, an implementation detail. The visible ID for a ticket either stays the same as before or can even become more flexible (#9624, sub-tickets with dotted notation). All the properties that may contain multiple values are located in ''secondary'' tables (`_<[Ff]ield>`) with three columns: ``, `` and `` for keeping the multiple values ordered. Note that `<[Ff]ield>` might be either a //property// (``), the secondary table `` column then contains directly a value, or a //relation// (``), in which case the secondary table `` column contains the surrogate key of the related resource. There's only one multi-valued property left, for the keywords, and all the others 1-m fields become relations: - to components, - to versions (#221), - to milestones, - to users for the CC (#454 done right): This of course will impose to have actual resource tables for all these related resource realms. Most 1-to-1 fields will also be indexed, in order to better support queries. A note about the cardinality: in case resources have a n-m relationship, the side expected to have the less relations is the one that will come first in the relation table. For example, a project will have many (n) tickets, but a ticket will usually be associated with 1 or perhaps a few (m) projects, and we have n >> m. In this case, the relation table will be `Ticket_Project`. The idea is that when we retrieve information about tickets, we'll want to get the information about their projects, but not necessarily the converse. Another factor to take into account is the //order//. We put an emphasis on keeping track of the order in which the relations are laid out. Sometimes it's not that that important (CC:), sometimes we could take advantage of this information (keywords), special importance for first listed component or version... But it's true that there are situations where the distinction is less clear cut, like for `Ticket_Milestone`, based on the current interface we could say that we seldom consider a milestone without its associated tickets, and we might want to order tickets in a milestone (Scrum-like). Anyway, we'll use the hint given by the "m" cardinality for a start. {{{#!sql CREATE TABLE Ticket ( uid integer PRIMARY KEY, id text UNIQUE, type text, -- the nature of the ticket created integer, -- the time it was created modified integer, severity text, priority text, Owner integer REFERENCES User (uid), Reporter integer REFERENCES User (uid), status text, resolution text, summary text, -- one-line summary description text -- problem description (long) ); CREATE INDEX Ticket_created_idx ON ticket (created); CREATE INDEX Ticket_modified_idx ON ticket (modified); CREATE INDEX Ticket_severity_idx ON ticket (severity); CREATE INDEX Ticket_priority_idx ON ticket (priority); CREATE INDEX Ticket_Owner_idx ON ticket (Owner); CREATE INDEX Ticket_Reporter_idx ON ticket (Reporter); CREATE INDEX Ticket_status_idx ON ticket (status); CREATE INDEX Ticket_resolution_idx ON ticket (resolution); -- summary and description should be indexed for FTS CREATE TABLE Ticket_Component ( Ticket integer REFERENCES Ticket (uid), Component integer REFERENCES Component (uid), seq integer, UNIQUE(Ticket,Component) ); CREATE INDEX Ticket_Component_Ticket_idx ON Ticket_Component (Ticket); CREATE INDEX Ticket_Component_Component_idx ON Ticket_Component (component); CREATE TABLE Ticket_Version ( Ticket integer REFERENCES Ticket (uid), Version integer REFERENCES Version (uid), seq integer, UNIQUE(Ticket,Version) ); CREATE INDEX Ticket_Version_Ticket_idx ON Ticket_Version (Ticket); CREATE INDEX Ticket_Version_Version_idx ON Ticket_Version (Version); CREATE TABLE Ticket_Milestone ( Ticket integer REFERENCES Ticket (uid), Milestone integer REFERENCES Milestone (uid), seq integer, UNIQUE(Ticket,Milestone) ); CREATE INDEX Ticket_Milestone_Ticket_idx ON Ticket_Milestone (Ticket); CREATE INDEX Ticket_Milestone_milestone_idx ON Ticket_Milestone (Milestone); CREATE TABLE Ticket_Cc ( Ticket integer REFERENCES Ticket (uid), Cc integer REFERENCES User (uid), seq integer, UNIQUE(Ticket,Cc) ); CREATE INDEX Ticket_Cc_Ticket_idx ON Ticket_Cc (Ticket); CREATE INDEX Ticket_Cc_Cc_idx ON Ticket_Cc (Cc); CREATE TABLE Ticket_keyword ( Ticket integer REFERENCES ticket(uid), keyword text, seq integer, UNIQUE(Ticket,keyword) ); CREATE INDEX Ticket_keyword_Ticket_idx ON Ticket_keyword (Ticket); CREATE INDEX Ticket_keyword_keyword_idx ON Ticket_keyword (keyword); }}} Adding the Project to mix becomes a simple matter of yet another relation table: {{{#!sql CREATE TABLE Ticket_Project ( Ticket integer REFERENCES Ticket (uid), Project integer REFERENCES Project (uid), seq integer, UNIQUE(Ticket,Project) ); CREATE INDEX Ticket_Project_Ticket_idx ON Ticket_Project (Ticket); CREATE INDEX Ticket_Project_Project_idx ON Ticket_Project (Project); }}} A word about naming conventions: * for table names: - resource tables are capitalized - binary relation table names are composed of the capitalized resource name, an underscore and: - the capitalized resource name of the targeted resource, for a relation - the lower case field name, for a property * for column names: - capitalized if referencing the key of a resource - lower case for a property It starts to become interesting when we start to consider the versioning aspect of the above. We're going to add ancillary tables for storing the information related to the change itself (the //event//) and the recording of the changes. {{{#!sql CREATE TABLE TicketEvent ( uid integer PRIMARY KEY, Ticket integer REFERENCES Ticket (uid), Author integer REFERENCES User (uid), created integer ); CREATE INDEX TicketEvent_Ticket_idx ON TicketEvent (Ticket); CREATE INDEX TicketEvent_Author_idx ON TicketEvent (Author); CREATE INDEX TicketEvent_created_idx ON TicketEvent (created); CREATE TABLE TicketChange ( uid integer PRIMARY KEY, TEvent integer REFERENCES TicketEvent (uid), field text, oldval text, newval text, UNIQUE(TEvent,field) ); CREATE INDEX TicketChange_TEvent_idx ON TicketChange (TEvent); }}} The `Change` table is clearly inspired of the existing `ticket_change`: we don't want to replicate all the complexity of the ticket relational model in dedicated versioning tables, because it would be clearly overkill. We're not interested in //querying// these values anyway, only in storing them for displaying them whenever we're going to show the history of the resource. The comments are a different story, we're not going to "hide" them in the above, they'll rather behave as secondary (ancillary) resources related to the //events// themselves. {{{#!sql CREATE TABLE TicketEventComment ( uid integer PRIMARY KEY, TEvent integer REFERENCES TicketEvent (uid), Inreplyto integer REFERENCES TicketEventComment (uid), comment text ); CREATE INDEX TicketEventComment_TEvent_idx ON TicketEventComment (TEvent); -- comment should be FTS indexed }}} It's easy to see that if we'd like to extend the ticket event comments by adding "custom" fields, we would just have to add them in the above table if they're of the 1-to-1 type, or using property/relation secondary tables if they're of the 1-to-m type (#2961). And of course, the comment events are themselves versioned! {{{#!sql CREATE TABLE TicketEventCommentEvent ( uid integer PRIMARY KEY, TEComment integer REFERENCES TicketEventComment (uid), Author integer REFERENCES User (uid), created integer ); CREATE INDEX TicketEventCommentEvent_TEComment_idx ON TicketEventCommentEvent (TEComment); CREATE INDEX TicketEventCommentEvent_Author_idx ON TicketEventCommentEvent (Author); CREATE INDEX TicketEventCommentEvent_created_idx ON TicketEvent (created); CREATE TABLE TicketEventCommentChange ( uid integer PRIMARY KEY, TECEvent integer REFERENCES TicketEventCommentEvent (uid), field text, oldval text, newval text, UNIQUE(TECEvent,field) ); CREATE INDEX TicketEventCommentChange_TECEvent_idx ON TicketEventCommentChange (TECEvent); }}} At first sight, this seems far more complex than the old model was, but in fact it's above all more explicit, with no "hidden" structure (except for the `oldval`/`newval`). And the regularities in the model means we're going to be able to provide a convenient high-level API for dealing with it. In addition, even though the relational information given by the foreign keys can be enlightening for understanding the data model, we'll need an additional descriptive layer, metadata describing the precise relationships between the tables (e.g. list of fields for a given resource/type?). This metadata is a natural continuation of the configuration of fields one can find in `[ticket-custom]` section of TracIni. Of course this time it is generalized to the "standard" resources and fields, and it is stored in the DB. Speaking of custom fields, one can see how custom fields fit in the above approach: they will simply correspond to additional secondary tables. The presence of a field in the primary table or in one secondary table becomes an implementation detail abstracted away by the metadata description of the resource. This will be also used to ease the transition to the new model by first describing the "current" state (all 1-to-1 fields in the primary table) and allowing for progressive upgrade steps. Finally, for the code that would handle the resources in a generic way, instead of dealing with the same tables for every resources (the EAV approach), they would deal with the same API and use the metadata to know how to handle each particular kind of resources. By the way, we could also easily graft the idea of ''sub-types'' (cf. TicketTypes) that would use the same primary table as their main type but perhaps a subset (or a slightly different set) of secondary tables (e.g. no 'Version' for tasks). == Implementation Plan == The idea is to introduce the "right" model at the occasion of the implementation of the MultipleProjectSupport. So the new `project` resource will use this generic model, but as we're primarily concerned with `ticket`s in association with the `project`s, we'll have to address the ticket module early as well. === Applied on Ticket module === As the ticket module is by far the most complex, it might be worth to try out the new model there first: - we could verify that we meet the expectations in terms of code simplification, solving open issues, etc. - we could detect early if there are no regressions or risk of losing current features - by redeploying the ticket infrastructure to the other components, we could spread the most benefits of tickets (comments, custom fields, queries, etc.) to other resources (milestone, wiki, component, ...) === Applied on new Component and Version resources === The not yet existing resource types like 'component' and 'version' will be implemented using this generic approach (#1233). Initially the corresponding fields would remain in the primary Ticket table, they will be replaced from being properties (`component`, `version`) to relations (`Component`, `Version`). In a second step we could move these fields from the primary Ticket table to new secondary relation tables (`Ticket_Version`) and (`Ticket_Component`), still keeping the 1-to-1 relationship. The last step would be to allow them to be used as multi-valued relations (1 ticket to m versions and components). === Applied on Milestone module === - modify the Milestone module so that it uses the new proposed datamodel. - adapt the Roadmap module to the new model - adapt the Milestone admin component to the new model - for a first approach, the generic scheme would be enough, no need for versioning as we currently don't support that Later: - experiment new tabbed view for the milestone (''View'', ''Discussion'', ''History''). See TracProject/UiGuidelines. - migrate to generic versioned scheme === Applied on Wiki module === Milestone and components are closer in spirit to a wiki page than to a ticket (we have the long standing #3776 ticket). We could as well start simply on the wiki model and wiki module, to rework the basics there, and once this is done port the changes to the milestone module, then work on the components. If we do this, we can also at the same time think about the storage model, in particular how past versions could be stored in a VCS (#1132). We could then think about a serialization model that would play nicely with the genericity of the Trac resources on one hand side, and with the external editors on the other hand. See how a VCS backend could be written for the versioned generic scheme... == Related Tickets == - Data model issues: [[TicketQuery(status=!closed&keywords=~model)]] - Resource related: [[TicketQuery(status=!closed&keywords=~tracobject)]] See also: [./Brainstorm] for older iterations of the idea and discussion.