= Database Backend Trac offers an easily extensible layer for database support, see [source:trunk/trac/db/api.py trac.db.api]. The following databases have been integrated in this layer: * '''[http://www.sqlite.org SQLite]''', using '''PySqlite''', the default database * '''[http://www.postgresql.org PostgreSQL]''', using the '''[http://initd.org/pub/software/psycopg/ psycopg2]''' bindings, support added as of Trac [milestone:0.9]. * Note that psycopg1 is no longer supported and that [http://pypgsql.sourceforge.net/ pyPgSQL] also presents issues for some users, see #5096. * Finally, see #126 for historical notes. * '''[http://www.mysql.org MySQL]''', using MySqlDb, support added for Trac [milestone:0.10]; see [http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.version-control.subversion.trac.devel/342/focus=348 status report] and #986 for historical notes. There is work in progress for the following databases: * [http://www.actian.com/products/operational-databases/ingres/ Ingres], see #6235. * [http://www.oracle.com/index.html Oracle], see #1874 and [th:#5487]. * [http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/server-cloud/products/sql-server/ Microsoft SQL Server], see th:MsSqlBackendPlugin and #329. == Database Installation Instructions === SQLite Installed out-of-the-box. The default connection string is `sqlite:db/trac.db`. More parameters can be added with `sqlite:db/trac.db?param1=value¶m2=value`. The following parameters are supported: * `extensions`: Load the extensions, see also [wiki:TracIni#sqlite-section]. * `timeout`: Set timeout to connect the database, `10.0` is used by default. * `cursor`: `eager` cursor pre-fetching all the rows is used by default. It can be turned off by specifying `cursor=` (#3446). * `journal_mode`: Set the [https://www.sqlite.org/pragma.html#pragma_journal_mode journal mode] to the database (since 1.0.5). * `synchronous`: Set the [https://www.sqlite.org/pragma.html#pragma_synchronous synchronous] flag (since 1.0.5). Known issues: see [query:keywords=~sqlite&status=!closed SQLite-related tickets]. === Postgresql Prerequisites: * Have a working copy of Postgresql. * Get the proper database driver for Python, see above. * Create a database for your Trac environment: {{{ % createdb dbname }}} * Run trac-admin to create a new Trac environment. When prompted for a Database connection string, use: {{{ postgres://user:pass@localhost:5432/dbname?schema=schemaname }}} Notice that the port number might be different in your Postgresql installation, eg 5433. See postgresql.conf. Alternatively on UNIX, if the database is a local one, you can use UNIX sockets instead of TCP/IP: {{{ postgres://user:pass@/dbname?host=/path/to/unix/socket/dir&schema=schemaname }}} If you are using user Trac without a password to connect through UNIX sockets to database trac and have only one project (hence no need for different schemas), your connections string would be ''postgres://trac:@/trac'' * Note: '?host=...' is optional. Check your postgresql.conf' unix_socket_directory option if you have connection problems. See #4546 for more details. See also #2441, which discusses the process of migration from SQLite to Postgresql. For a Postgresql recipe tested on CentOS4 (Red Hat -EL4) see [wiki:PostgresqlRecipe]. Note: Since Trac [milestone:0.10 0.10] the psycopg1 Postgresql driver is no longer supported due to lack of Unicode support. Known issues: see [query:keywords=~postgres&status=!closed postgres-related tickets] === MySQL MySQL is supported by Trac since [milestone:0.10], but there are some caveats, documented in more details in the MySqlDb page. * Run trac-admin to create a new Trac environment. When prompted for a database connection string, use: {{{ mysql://dbuser:dbpass@host:port/dbname }}} * or when you need more options: {{{ mysql://dbuser[:dbpass]@host[:port]/dbname[?param1=value¶m2=value] }}} The following parameters are supported since Trac [milestone:1.0]: * `compress`: Enable compression (0 or 1) * `init_command`: Command to run once the connection is created * `named_pipe`: Use a named pipe to connect on Windows (0 or 1) * `read_default_file`: Read default client values from the given file (also used for SSL configuration) * `read_default_group`: Configuration group to use from the default file * `unix_socket`: Use a Unix socket at the given path to connect Known issues: see [query:keywords=~mysql&status=!closed mysql-related tickets]. == Database Conversion For Trac >= 1.3.2, the TracAdmin `convert_db` command allows an environment to be converted between the supported database backends. For Trac < 1.3.2, [th:TracMigratePlugin] provides equivalent functionality.