= Interface Customization using site.html = This page intends to collect useful snippets for inclusing in a project `site.html` file. Any snippet below is intended to be included inside the standard root element of the file: {{{ #!xml }}} Rememebr, snippets are more useful if accompanied by a short description... == Quicksearch for tickets only == When no search filters are provided, Trac searches using all filters. This snippets adds a filter to the quicksearch that restricts searches to tickets only by default - more can of course be added by user after initial search: {{{ #!xml
}}} Explanation: It grabs the `
` inside the quicksearch form into a new div, adding any atrributes of the old (though no attributes by default) and then inserts any content (elements, text and comments) that the old element had with the `${select()}` call. To this new (identical) div, a new `` element is added that provides a filter for ticket-only search.