= Trac Hosting & Commercial Services = Feel free to add yourself to this list, but please limit your entries to a link and optionally a short note about your services. == Hosting == These sites provide Trac and Subversion hosting for various types of projects. === Free for Open Source === * [http://www.python-hosting.com/freetrac Python Hosting] -- ''limited to Python projects'' * [http://trac-hacks.swapoff.org/ Trac Hacks] -- ''hosting for open-source Trac plugins, macros, and other customizations'' * [http://tracos.org/hosting TracOS] -- ''Dedicated to providing free Trac-hosting for Open Source projects. No fees, no ads, just open source.'' * [http://trac.altranet.it/altranet/wiki/TracHosting altraNet] -- ''free Trac-hosting for italian Free Software projects'' === Free for All Projects === * [http://devjavu.com DevjaVu] - No BS Trac and SVN. Fast, simple and free. No seriously, check it out. * [https://opensvn.csie.org/ OpenSVN] - Business model: "several enthusiastic students at [http://www.csie.ntu.edu.tw www.csie.ntu.edu.tw](Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taiwan, R.O.C.)" * [http://www.assembla.com Assembla] -- Instant and free Trac+Subversion plus [http://www.assembla.com/page/breakoutdocs/Issue+Management proprietary Issue Management] plus "Flow" super-forums (private & public). Complete services for building and managing distributed software teams. === Commercial === * [http://powerflexhosting.com/ PowerFlex Hosting] - "[http://www.objectframe.com/businessHosting.html setting up Trac + Subversion instances (5 hours)]" * [http://cvsdude.org/ CVSDude] - specialize in CVS+SVN hosting; [http://cvsdude.org/accountUpgrade.pl Subversion+Trac+Bugzilla starting at $22/mo] * [http://www.projectlocker.com/ ProjectLocker] - [http://www.projectlocker.com/product_scm.php CVS or SVN]+Trac+[http://www.projectlocker.com/product_iss.php proprietary Issue Management]+maybe more. * [http://www.python-hosting.com/trac Python Hosting] * [http://www.hosted-projects.com hosted-projects.com] -- Company specialized in Subversion+Trac+Bugzilla project hosting and Services. * [http://wush.net/subversion.php wush.net] -- Professional hosting and support for SVN+Trac. * [http://www.coderesort.com CodeResort.com] -- ''Secure project environments for corporate and community source projects. '' * [http://www.itfuture.de IT Future AG Germany] -- Hosting and Consulting for Trac and Subversion * [http://www.svnrepository.com SVNRepository.com] -- Affordable professional Trac/Subversion/Bugzilla hosting. * [http://svn-hosting.com/ svn-hosting.com] - SYN+Trac+Bugzilla; BUT "In the coming months all svn-hosting.com customers will be switched over to" hosted-projects.com. === Virtual/Shared hosting === These are general hosting providers where users have successfully installed Trac. * [http://railsplayground.com] -- "Free trac setup with the guru and reseller plans." '''Note:''' ''entries added to this section should contain a link to site-specific instructions for setting up Trac.'' == Customization == Companies providing development of custom Trac features and enhancements. * [http://svn-hosting.com/ svn-hosting.com] -- ''Custom Trac plugin development'' * [http://www.hosted-projects.com hosted-projects.com] -- ''Custom Trac plugin development and migration services'' ---- These services are not officially supported or endorsed by the TracTeam or EdgewallSoftware. See also: TracSupport