= Frequently Asked Questions = Here you can find the answer to some of the most frequently asked questions about Trac. If you a question not answered by this page you can add your question by clicking on the "''Edit this page''" link at the bottom of this page. ---- Question: What is a "Wiki"? Answer: The term Wiki is a shortened form of WikiWikiWeb. A Wiki is a database of pages that can be collaboratively edited using a web browser. ---- Question: Did you steal the previous question from the [http://moinmoin.wikiwikiweb.de/MoinMoinFaq MoinMoin FAQ]? Answer: Yes. ---- Question: When can we expect a Trac version compatible with Subversion 1.0? (More specifically, with the Python bindings of 1.0, because SVN 1.0 with the old bindings seems to work.) ---- Question: Could the Wiki perhaps get a RecentChanges page, showing the changed pages in anti-chronological order? Answer: The [http://projects.edgewall.com/trac/timeline/ timeline] contains information about all the changes to Trac content. By deselecting the ''view ticket changes'' and ''view repository checkins'' boxes you can view only the Wiki changes.