Edgewall Software

Changes between Initial Version and Version 4 of Ticket #2532

Dec 29, 2005, 8:23:45 AM (18 years ago)
Christian Boos

Well, ignoring the offending tone of our anonymous reporter, this "feature" seems to be requested often enough (even in more polite manner) to be at least considered. While I'm not at all in this school of thought (to me, a wiki without CamelCase doesn't even look like a Wiki :) ), I think we could keep the discussion opened. That discussion is actually two fold:

  • disable CamelCase entirely in the wiki (like the patch suggests)
  • disable the quick jump to a Wiki page when a CamelCase word is entered. This is even considered as a feature by some, in order to be able to quickly create a new page (and of course, this is the best way to


up with orphaned pages…)

(/me cleaning up the description a bit…)


  • Ticket #2532

    • Property Status newreopened
    • Property Summary Search for Camelcase fails with newpage (ex. search forWikiFormatter)Search for Camelcase ends upwith newpage (ex. search for WikiFormatter)
    • Property Priority highnormal
    • Property Milestone 0.9.3
    • Property Severity blockernormal
  • Ticket #2532 – Description

    initial v4  
    1 When you search for a Word in CamelCase you get redirected to create a"new Page".PLEASE DROP THAT F* CAMELCASE!!(or at least provide a solution to remove it from the core-code manualy)(if i find the code snipped i will bann it to hell!)1. It makes Problems with JavaClases, WinAPI-Functions2. It's not elegeant nor professional3. It's just B*s*
     1When you search for a Word in CamelCase you get redirected to create a"new Page".Please don't do that!(or at least provide a solution to remove it from the core-code manualy) 1. It makes problems with !JavaClasses, WinAPI-Functions, ... 2. It's neither professional nor elegant 3. ...