Edgewall Software

Change History for TracL10N/Transifex

Version Date Author Comment
34 15 months Jun Omae Revised links to Transifex and adapted new Transifex CLI
33 4 years Ryan J Ollos Revise branches.
32 4 years Jun Omae Removed push columns from table in overview
31 4 years Jun Omae Added Albanian to overview
30 4 years Jun Omae Link to locales in 1.4-stable
29 6 years figaro Added link to referencing page
28 8 years figaro Further cosmetic changes
27 9 years figaro Cosmetic changes
26 11 years Christian Boos new extraction, update and push on 0.12
25 11 years Christian Boos pushed r11686 to Transifex (for 0.12)
24 11 years Christian Boos the page could be clarified…
23 11 years Mikael Relbe "en_GB" has a coordinator, and its trunk was pushed to Transifex
22 11 years Mikael Relbe pushed trunk of "sv" to Transifex
21 11 years Christian Boos trunk: forced push to Transifex at r11668 — clean start for 1.1.2dev
20 11 years Christian Boos update the push info for trunk
19 11 years Christian Boos integrated cs,da,et in 1.1.1
18 11 years Christian Boos ko: group 5 → group 3
17 11 years Christian Boos pushed the branches/1.0-stable@11638 translations to Transifiex
16 11 years Christian Boos early 0.12.6dev content (r11575) pushed to Transifex for most languages
15 12 years aprudnikov
14 12 years Christian Boos integrated changes from Transifex for #group3 and pushed back
13 12 years Mikael Relbe minor changes to the table "Translation team coordinator"
12 12 years Christian Boos last push for 0.12 resources for a few translations
11 12 years Christian Boos describe actions for the different categories of translations
10 12 years Christian Boos r11451: #group4#group3 for Danish
9 12 years Christian Boos r11449: #group4#group3 for es_MX
8 12 years Christian Boos tx push error "No mapping found for language code …" and workaround
7 12 years Christian Boos add numbers and links to language groups
6 12 years Christian Boos s/pull/push/
5 12 years Christian Boos removed warning, add link to companion mail on trac-dev
4 12 years Christian Boos Added table summarizing the current status for the different languages …
3 12 years Christian Boos make diff vc=git, added in r11431
2 12 years Christian Boos emphasize the need to be careful for not losing translations, and to …
1 12 years Christian Boos Start a tutorial about pulling and pushing from Transifex, for our …