= Trac Development = These pages provide information about the development of Trac and extensions for Trac (such as WikiMacros and other kinds of plugins). Most of the information was written for 0.9, but we try to maintain it up-to-date with the latest version of Trac (currently 0.10dev). We also do our best to signal what has been deprecated/removed between releases. [[TitleIndex(TracDev/)]] See also TracTroubleshooting, as which contains useful debugging tips also quite useful during development. Incidentally, discussions about Trac Development happen on the [http://groups.google.com/group/trac-dev/topics Trac-Dev] mailing list. `Trac-Dev` can also be used as an InterWiki prefix in order to refer to specific mails sent to that MailingList, e.g. Trac-Dev:1, or googlegroups:trac-dev:1b9c4e3eaeda3a0d (in the latter example, the "id" being the one of the ''Individual Message'').