Edgewall Software

Version 17 (modified by Christian Boos, 14 years ago) ( diff )

Make the big red box a bit scarier

Important: Read This Before Creating a Ticket

Is this really the Trac instance you're looking for?

You are about to file a ticket against the Trac instance used to manage the development of the Trac project itself.

Note also that most of the plugins for Trac are not maintained here, but usually on TracHacks.

This is not a demo or test system!

If you'd like to see how Trac works, either download and install it locally (it's easy), or play with the demo-0.12 site.

This is not the place to ask for support and installation questions!

Use the mailing list or IRC channel, you'll reach a bigger number of people likely to help you.

Before reporting a bug, please check whether the issue you've encountered has been reported before.

For us to be able to help you and resolve your issue as fast as possible, please check the new ticket guidelines to make sure you're not leaving out some vital information.

When to not create a ticket here

Due to some ambiguous spelling on old error pages, Trac users were directed to create a ticket on this site whenever an internal error occurred in the Trac site they're using. If you're not the administrator of the Trac site, please don't create a ticket here but rather inform your Trac administrator about the problem (he's the only one able to fix it anyway).

Also, if you have an issue with some other software (Pidgin, MacPorts, VirtualBox, etc.) for which the development is managed using Trac, be careful to create a ticket on their instance of Trac, not here (which is the Trac for Trac itself).

Failing this, we'll close the ticket as invalid with the WrongTrac notice.

Finally, if the problem concerns a Trac plugin , there is no point in creating a ticket on this site either. You should report it to the plugin's maintainer (for example, on http://trac-hacks.org if the plugin is hosted there - in this case, don't forget to specify the right component for the plugin, or the plugin maintainer won't notice).

Failing this, we'll close the ticket as cantfix with the PluginIssue notice.

Now if you're a Trac administrator, you've found a genuine bug in Trac, then there's a good chance you're not the first person to notice it… Please take the time to search for an already existing ticket. A good tip is to look for the verbatim text of the error you're seeing, e.g.

Alternatively, you can directly look at the list of open issues using a custom query, e.g. all known defects, grouped by component.

The advantage of finding a pre-existing ticket is that there's often an existing workaround, or a patch waiting for feedback. In this case, please take the next step and participate at the bug fixing.

Yes, I think I've found a new bug

Then please, by all means let us know!

If you haven't done it before, read the NewTicketGuidelines which will give you some tips about how to create a good bug report. Then proceed to create the bug report.

If the issue has security implications, then you should send a mail to security@edgewall.com rather than create a ticket, so that we get a chance to fix the problem before it is disclosed to the world ;-)

Of course, improvement ideas (preferably with patches!) are also welcomed, and you can also create enhancement requests.

And please, please, don't create test tickets, we prefer spending our time improving Trac rather than fighting spam. Thanks for your comprehension.

— The TracTeam

Note: See TracWiki for help on using the wiki.