Edgewall Software

Version 13 (modified by danhon+trac@…, 20 years ago) ( diff )

The Macro Bazaar

Looking for fresh macro goodness for your Trac installation? Have you written a clever macro you're dying to share with the world? This is the place.

The macro bazaar is for sharing information about user-developer macros, links to source code and requests.

Note: Please state your name, email, and version of Trac your macro is developed for.


A simple example macro. Distributed with Trac.
Download: source:trunk/trac/wikimacros/HelloWorld.py
By: TracTeamVer: >0.5.2


Inserts current date and time. Distributed with Trac.
Download: source:trunk/trac/wikimacros/Timestamp.py
By: TracTeamVer: >0.5.2


Inserts the output of an external URL.



Download: http://randomfoo.net/code/trac/include.py
By: lhl — Ver: 0.7.1


Creates links to Javadoc pages based on a package or fully-qualified class name.

Example usage:

[[javadoc(java.lang.String, Text for link)]]

See source for customizing the available Javadoc URLs.

Download: http://projects.edgewall.com/trac/attachment/wiki/MacroBazaar/javadoc.py
By: Matthew Good <matt-good.net> — Ver: ≥0.7.1


Trivial change of the RecentChanges macro that only displays the recently changed pages for a specified user. Usage:

[[UserChange(username, # of last modified pages to display)]]

Download: http://projects.edgewall.com/trac/attachment/wiki/MacroBazaar/UserChanges.py
By: David Mohr <datrac@…> — Ver. ≥ 0.7.1

First stab at a macro that displays all wiki pages linking to a specified page name.



I'd really like it to default to displaying backlinks to the current page when a page name isn't supplied, but, um, I have no idea how to do that :)

Add your macro here …

Requests, misc

Requests, comments, etc go here.

Simpler wiki markup as commonly used in emails, like

  • *bold*
  • /italics/
  • lines starting with space render as code (preformatted text)
  • static timestamp command

Markup for "Table of Contens" of the page (from headings) like Twiki.org has.

Comment plugin, to allow add comments to page without full edit. There are fancy comment plugins allowing custom formatting, but even plain text would improve usability a lot. Face it, many people are afraid to EDIT, but will add comments if it's simple.

Fancy example Simple comments

I'll gladly explain in more details and help you (using Twiki/perl, starting with Trac/python), email me: pmasiar1 (at) yahoo (dot) com

A BackLinks feature would be useful, and is a requirement to use WikiBadges, afaik (already requested in tickets #611 and #646)

See also: WikiMacros, ProcessorBazaar

Attachments (75)

Download all attachments as: .zip

Note: See TracWiki for help on using the wiki.