Edgewall Software

Change History for 0.12/TracSyntaxColoring

Version Date Author Comment
11 8 years Cinc-th Fixed link to Pygments homepage
10 10 years Ryan J Ollos Removed notice now that plugin has been installed.
9 12 years trac
8 14 years Christian Boos sync with [9452] and freezing
7 14 years Christian Boos "final touch", center the marks
6 14 years Christian Boos in the #language-supported, replace X mark by unicode CHECK MARK
5 14 years Christian Boos fix relative links
4 14 years Christian Boos tidy up the tabled of #language-supported
3 14 years Christian Boos added [[KnownMimeTypes]] macro from r9305
2 14 years Christian Boos Initial clean-up for 0.12, removing all obsolete information
1 14 years Christian Boos copied from TracSyntaxColoring@46