Edgewall Software

Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #2247, comment 56

Nov 29, 2014, 12:22:55 AM (10 years ago)
Ryan J Ollos


  • Ticket #2247, comment 56

    initial v1  
    22> Maybe I should commit [log:psuter@10277-10283 log:psuter@advanced-notification-preliminary-refactorings] so at least these don't have to be rebased again later.
    4 I'll hold off committing anything for this ticket until all your changes are committed. The changes in this ticket are pretty minor, so it'll be no problem to wait and rebase my changes before committing towards the end of milestone:1.0.3, adding an upgrade step on the trunk if necessary to migrate the `never_notify_self` option to the new notification preference module (haven't yet looked at what might required).
     4I'll hold off committing anything for this ticket until all your changes are committed. The changes in this ticket are pretty small, so it'll be no problem to wait and rebase my changes before committing towards the end of milestone:1.0.3, adding an upgrade step on the trunk if necessary to migrate the `never_notify_self` option to the new notification preference module (haven't yet looked at what might required).